Friday, December 30, 2005
sentosa vs MRC
24th to 26th Dec were horror days working at sentosa. We had this new system of re organising the crowd and people were really confused. Some were un happy as half of the fountain gardens - we had to chase them away. People were going in via the covered passageway and crowd controlling was done there too.
was ROTTEN. Everyone were LOST. in wonderland? A lot of last minute announcements.
ok ok BUT 2 shows! Damn tired
not too bad la. But still prefer the old system :)
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The long post i blogged but it was gone had some things about the sentosa i/c(s) aka in charge
come to think of it, sentosa is the job that i have stayed the longest. It is even longer than my t-est days. I stayed at t-est for only 4 months LOL.
Now there are i/cs among us. They are much higher paid with a $2 bonus per hour. Justin and zilin are current ics. I do not like zi lin loz. And i am not going to bother even she reads it. What's wrong with don't like someone? Calista also disliked me very much. She even blogs about me in the cip blog. So i am mr. unpopular bahx... hahaha. So sad.
Disliking someone all have reasons de. For zilin's case, i find zilin too aggressive at times when there isn't need for it. she can be more amiable. She also frequently ask questions that sound stupid. When it my duty, she sometimes make crude remarks like i should stay at my place and stuff. I mean My gate is centre gate. Now I got 2 sides. Why can't i just walk over?
i am always doing that stupid debrief. since the seniors - karen, kak rose and attraction staff are posted there, I never had the chance to hold the walkie or hear for announcements. zi lin is always crazy 1. When she like it, she will throw me to sijori path, the ulu place which is really lonely. They don't rotate places 1. Bus stop is always the same folks. Lower/upper east or west --> the folks tending the place always sound familiar. Haiyo. Why don't they do some rotation? If they make mega changes. It creates the usual expectation in the positioning. For the next few months in my life, i expect myself to be standing at the centre gate.
Justin is ok la, but it is really very ironic. Who found him this job? Me. Why? I introduced the job to daus, then daus told justin. Justin came in later and yet rose to be ic. I am still a tiny fly. Sigh.....
Saturday, December 17, 2005
last christmas i gave you my heart, this chrstmas you gave it away...
let me reblog abt 17th dec...
I had this human domino thing in the early morning. I was laughing like crazy as jia ming, who was behind me, kept saying it felt like he was giving birth. HAHAHA. :)
Later, we had this red cross home visit, for rotaract club. So charmaine was the overall in charge. We were carolling some christmas songs with NP strings, all thanks to xian zhi and company :) I managed to catch violists to play christmas carols for our project yay!!!! :) So it went on well.
The choir was largely guys. there was like a lot of guys from yan jie's group- the ex swiss cottage folks. The regular people like shu ning, jessie, dannia were like quite shocked to see so many new members. It was quite shocking as i did not expect all to come - from yan jie's section. HAHA. Until now i still don't know who is who. Never did intro, because of our stupid board. Charm kept saying later. I wanted to have it at canteen 1, but charm said until we go canteen 2. Guess what? We did not do intro afterall. The rotarians came and were busily talking to the board members. Urgh. haha.
The singing was fine but i noticed that there was not much reaction from the patients. We just kept singing and they continued to sleep or making weird noises that no one can comprehend.
The place is fine, but i really pitied these folks. Some wards reeked of urine. Some had radio turned on. Our violins livened up the place but the response was very slow. Some were grateful only when we passed them the goodie bag we prepared for them. I did not pack the bags, but only helped in finding the place to buy cheap things. :)
After the event, the rotarians drove us back to ngee ann. Charm gave out chocolates that could glow in the dark. How cool can it get!
some of our board members, me and members went to eat at cathay cineleisure. We ate at Kobayashi and it was not bad! :)
We wanted to sing, so we went to k box to sing. Had a really great time with xy, soon chye, kit and poh leong. Sang like crazy people. Soon began to play with the snacks as they were refillable. Some songs were sang really badly. Some were fine. Some was good.
The last song was most memorable as Soon began to meddle with the tempo to vary its pitch. I was also playing and poor xiao ying had to sing at the various pitches. Xiao ying was prepared to finish the song so she juz sang as calm as she could. Damn funny. laughed like a crazy person... hehe.
Later, xy, kit and i went to dhoby ghaut's arcade to play. Had a great time. What a long day!!!! :):) Never had so much fun for quite a while already.
continued in nxt post

Now i am this cosy environment of the Bulk Photocopying shop. LOL. As if it is really cosy... :S hahaha.
I am waiting for the auntie to come back from the library as she went to service the cashcard reader at the library's internet cafe.
Today, we had this human domino thing. It was quite fun la. But tiring at the same time. The sun was glaring at us as if we offended him. Hehe. There was a a runner would run pass the track field, waving the Ngee Ann Flag. We would lying flat down like the domino thingy.
Charmaine and I went to the 3rd floor of library to print the song sheets for the event. I was angry with the printer as i thought it would be printing 4 pages followed by 4 pages. We never know that it print all the page 1s all at once. :( Wasted lots of money and paper. What the hell!
Yesterday was fine. Had CATS and Mr. Bala is again LECTURING again. I noticed Mr Bala loves to lecture than tutoring. He loves to talk and talk about our human brain, so and so and the stuff we learnt. He loves to talk about the curiousity of small kids. He loves to tell us our brain cells are dying. HAHA.
Well, work was fine too. EXCEPT EXCEPT...
Does everybody knows I'm working at Mediacorp? :)
I love swipping my card as it feels great to swipe the card and enter. Hehe.
I work as a validator for surveys, which means i call people up to confirm their details and ask some questions to ensure that the data collected is valid. It can be quite a tough job at times as the people I called may be quite difficult. The last project i did was on validating childcare surveys. That one was fine but some refused to be validated. Some sounded quite unhappy as it is a sort of disturbance. I agree that it may be quite disturbing, but what can we do?
It is my job and since you have did this survey, we have to make sure that the person did come to the person's house or the details are correct. I called up some cases and there the age is wrong, which means the data have to be thrown away... Hm.. I photcopied ny things le.. blog later...
Saturday, December 10, 2005
some followups
hahaa:) Now I have quit the job at the Cafe Cartel! Yay!!!!!! I am now working at Mediacorp. :) Nowadays, with the TV programmes like Superhost and TV superstar, i always see a lot and a lot of people at the mediacorp reception. I would just redeem my security pass and zap in :) How fun. I do validation of surveys and some office work at mediacorp's radio 6th floor, where 933,987,950 studios resides. So cool. How wish i worked near the studios :)
ok short update. too lazy to type. too busy.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Sore throat
Yesterday, I had to force myself to go to school. I was really ob the verge of not going as I felt really old :( Luckily, my fever and headache began to wear off after 15 minutes taking panadol.
However, I realised taking panadol will never solve the problem ultimately. I am just taking it to supress the problem. My voice still sounds very bad. I still feel old :(
Hence. I went to see a doctor yesterday. I did not work. But I still felt very very tired. Until now, I still feel very uncomfortable. :( I just need a lot and a lot of rest. And there goes my projects. I am so sorry members, if i cannot do so much work. My brain cannot function that well either....
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Facts about CIP
1. A module where most lectures are skipped
2. A module that talks about the very basics of computers
3. A module that can be boring at times
Haha. That is some of my friends' feedback.
Anyway, I was not feeling well last night. I had fever, sore throat and flu. Feeling very uncomfortable. I was hot all over. My mum went to use some cold towel to sponge me. Luckily, I felt slightly better. I was better when it was night. I sent a lot of information request emails to new members. Do until i go mad. These people ah, interested to join. Hopefully, these new pool of people are the kind who is not so attached type. The current members are very attached to their current appointments like CCAs and work.
For the issue of CIP, I hope I can learn macromedia flash, dreamweaver successfully. I had a hard time understanding blog skins and all these things. Now with more technical things, I hope its fun. A lot of my friends told me that for this module, I will enjoy the creating websites the most. It give them the sense of achievement when all the kinks are ironed out and it is also very creative and fun. Hopefully, I would be able to do well for this module.
As for PBL 1, our group is 50% complete. We have done the harware presentation of the project, but not the software part. Today, we are having lessons for CIP. Hopefully, all is done. I would be cheering. ;)
So many projects :(
1. CIP
4. OB
I must clear them! Yes. As soon as possible. :)
Monday, November 28, 2005
microeconomics :(
Don't like this module.
Don't know how am I surviving through this
Tomorrow Stats - die.
Don't know how to do tutorial questions :(
Thursday, November 24, 2005
members' meeting
Monday, November 21, 2005
French Friday
So it is like a poor girl could not produce due to some menopause and thing like that. The doctors tried all kinds of ways to make you give birth but it failed :( So the doctor decided to use the cloning of animals to you. The child that is in your foetus now is actually a clone you. I can't imagine a world with 2 calistas, TWO ednas or twO anns. OMG. Its like in this story, the twin girl has a very horrible perosonaliy and she wanted to overtake her mother, after knowing that she is the clone. The ending was that the clone died when she accidentally fell into the well when she was attempting to pull her mother into the well.
When there are 3 calistas, i think talking to her would need ear buds
When there are3 ednas, the fashion shops would b empty as the expensive clothes would be taken away le.
With 3 anns, gabriel will be spoilt for choice. Ann1, ann2, or ann3? hahahahaha.
saturday madness
You see, The cafe cartel has this free flow of bread and it was like a auntie-like tai tai came in and was asking me what was the " Eat all you can but do not waste food " all about. she kept inisting that there was a buffet and I had a hard time convincing her that there is only free flow of bread and nothing else. She managed to understand and suddenly, she approached a table which is occupied and happily took a menu and had a look.
Auntie-taitai: (Grabs hold of the breakfast menu, when we were already serving lunch) Oh... you you all have these food eh? Looks not bad...
The lady at the table: =.= you are not even looking at the correct menu!
Seeing that, i immediately ushered her to the nearest table, and started to do the standard introduction to all the newbies. She began looking at the normal menu and gave the hmmms and ahhhhs. I usually would hope the person would make the order and I would feel good. She was like telling me she wanted some rice today and wanted sushi. Then, she hurriedly left. Hahahaha. I was like -_- when she left. so much for my efforts. Hahaha. The customer who was harassed was relieved that I managed to bring her away from her table. It would be quite scary for me if i was the one sitting there. hehe.
The next case was really weird. I think maybe this girl was jilted by her boyfriend or what loz. Feeling emotional.
Me: Hi Good afternoon welcome!
Girl: So do I pay first or have a seat?
Me: I think you should have a seat first to look at the menu...
Girl: But why should i leave my belongings unattended?
Me: Er................
Me: You can also make your order if you want.... just procceed to ....
Girl: Fine. fine. I am not eating. Its not your fault. Bye.
Me: ....................... -_=
Hahahaha. Weird people and more people.
Sentosa was fine. Except it rained on saturday. All CC folks excluding bus stop people were drenched from top to toe. Eeeks. I felt so wet. The crowd was quite understanding and obedient.
Friday, November 11, 2005
some updates....
Yesterday was fine but i was late for work @ sentosa. :( Then Zilin not happy lo.. hahahahaaa.... 29mins late. STUPID BUS! WAITED 30 min for it... I was forced to take MRT as i was runnnig late. Haix....
Today had IS - CATS. It was brain teasing. Got S&W later. Hope everything is fine :)
Friday, November 04, 2005
an unhappy hari raya
I mean people should be having happy hari rayas and stuff. Malays are rejoicing and went visiting and stuff. As for the other races, everybody enjoyed themselves by going shopping, eating and stuff. I spent my day working and the worst today was considered as a bad hair day
1. worked at cafe cartel from 10am to 4pm. broke a glass :( Had to pay for it. WHAT THE HELL! 1 hour's pay gone.
2. late for sentosa work :( had to walk from habourfront to sentosa, then WALK to ranger station, and walk to new ferry terminal. OMG. :( the crowd is simply too overwhelming.
3. did things without seeking approval of ic.- hwee ling. Hwee ling was obviously not happy. I let a china lady in as i saw it as genuine case. but but but... haix..................
sentosa pays me $7.4 today. yay.
Sometimes, cc is so boring. Daus don't want to work. This is such a pity!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
i wish i wish i wish....
Dear Diary
I had a tired day yesterday. I was late for the OB lecture and I was soooooooooooo sleepy in the bus. I listened to the lectures gingerly and managed to regain more energy for the 2nd lecture - CIP. Then again , there was a lot of waiting. Was talking to "Biao Mei", aka wan jun about things and school stuff. I was supposed to buy the CATS booklet today. Fortunately, max offered to help me buy. I was queuing halfway when mun ying called me. I promised to help her burn disc, so she returned the thumbdrive i lent her to copy the files in. Met Mun Ying's class. I was feeling a bit awakward. You know, its like so funny to suddenly appear in someone's class lunch time when the other folks are in the same course and class, while i am totally in somewhere different. I tried to help mun ying's friend laptop. but i could not get it working! I felt so useless lo.... haix.
Later, max went with me to the photocopy room and blk 72. Max was nice enough to go back school as he ate outside- bukit timah there. The aircon there was good. The sun was really red hot. :( Sooooo warm! Printed some notes. Still not enough paper :(
I went home and sorted some things. I was so tired that i just laid on the bed and rested. Went to work@ sentosa. At first, i was solo. Zilin and sharon seemed to be held up by some things. Doing CC alone is very tiring. I had to use so much of my voice that my throat became uncomfortable. I had not recovered from the shouting on PH working day - tues.
Zilin and sharon arrived and started to control the stuff. The centre wooden gate is closed as the centre is far too full. As usual, i directed the people to the west.
The sky was not looking too good. Guess what? It started to rain when the show started! It was so saddening! Felt like taking a chopper le.. haha.
So i had to endure the rain and work. Welcoming people and stuff. The crowd are very blur people and sometimes, i really hate repeating asking them to enter by that direction. People are lame enough to open the main door, attempting to go in. :( I mean If we allowed you to enter via the main gate, why was it locked then? :(:( They need to just ask me where to go in rather than studpidly open the door, which is a very dangerous act. Then again, i hope this is not offence to anyone, i hope. I mean sometimes you need to think longer....
Stand down from work was sooo early. haha :)
now zilin is the ic, which is the incharge. I am envious of her!!! Why?
1. I was the same batch from her
2. I want to be one
It looks like i will be singing "never had a dream come true" by s club 7. I like to be incharge and i think its fun. I don't know. But being an ic has much more power. I woulkd be so highly paid. $7 per hour. OMG. I am dream of the money that is credited to my bank account le. Afterall. I came in 1 day earlier than her. I still could remember she started work 1 day later. I went in with kerrie and fukang. Public hols like deepavali - $7 +2 =$9 OMG $9 per hour. I would be really rich.
Zilin is a capable girl and i think the supervisors had seen her potential. Haix... for me, old bird also like that la. same old cc everytime, same position. nothing higher. I can only dream of it. If i am asked to become a ic, i would so happy... but that would only happen only in my dreamland bahx.......................
Diary, I hope tomorrow's day @ cafe cartel plaza sing would be fine. okays?
Take care.
Friday, October 28, 2005
hidden talent?
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people. You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly. People crave your praise and complements. |
Monday, October 17, 2005
Last week's events.
In the morning, we checked out from chalet and had breakfast at bk. we played pool with the gabes, and iwan. Haha. I managed to win Iwan by 1 match only. Although i lost overall. It was a very fun game. Gabe seow was like so damn fast and i was blurred by his speed. Gabe teo was showing his stunt as he challenged himself by playing doubles for each round, yet he still won.
I did not work at night as I had rotaract meeting with the folks. The agenda was to discuss about the current projects we were having and my the proposed fellowship event. In the end, we decided to have a outdoor activity as Andrew felt we need to be more sporty. Kayaking was suggested and we had it at Sentosa. At night, we had a steamboat dinner with the new members. Sounds not too bad. :)
We also had the celebration of xiaoying's bdae on wed. There was cake, candles, singing and all the birthday thingys. Xiaoying was like so touched lo.. hehe...
post some pics...

her trademark smile
the comm members watch her cut the the as she did it as carefully as possible
hurry la.. i want to eat le
haha.... the meeting was over and i went home by 105(bus) On the way.... i took lots of photos..
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005

Which Guilty Gear X character are you?
last week....


errrr ... may i know what do you want?
what a nice place to lick myself....
On sat afternoon, mum and I went to eat kuay chap. This food is actually the intestines, skin of the pig and other inerts. It also includes tofu, egg, braised meat and stuff. The stall was quite slow in preparing the food. Hence, a cat also appeared and sat down on the floor and stared at me. I think it wanted food as it was hungry
can i have some food?
After a long wait, the cat looked frustrated and left the place. It was like 10 seconds later, the food came. What a pity! Haha! I was laughing at the cat's impatience.
factory memories

the. uncle. who. smiled. to. the. camera.

What a nice place for all the goods to stay in -_-

The bird invested pantry [birds' second home] =X

the never coming lift. Its takes like years to come. The one and only popular lift. Poor sharon in her ugly baggy uniform.

OMG! Are the orders for these printers 2000 again? :(

yay!!!! they are packed ready =.=
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
My results are just average and there a lot and a lot who did better than me. I need to get at least 3 As to achieve my aim- GPA of 3.5 to 3.6
------------ ---------
GPA = 3.2083
Monday, October 10, 2005
Who went?
1. me
2. dephanie
3. edna
4. ann
6. gabe teo
7. gabe seow
8. calista
9. deph frenz aaron
10. deph's frenz kamarl
11. deph's frenz moomoo
the success
- the food(tastes so good)
- the addtional people invited by deph (or else i shall DIE)
- the fun (pillow fights, custom made houses for cali's sis)
- the games (the dares, laughed until i was crazy)
- the mingle of new folks VS us. (they are so helpful people)
the disappointments
- the lack of enthusiasm (if not why must i threaten to cancel?)
- the last minute backouts and placement of higher priorty for things (weisin fell sick :S and more)
- the expensive bbq (dephanie prepared good food for us, but it was ex ex ex for us. it was a bit too much also)
- people are not paying up or paying low amounts
conclusion: methods of the way it worked is too fragile. i think i will not have it unless every agrees to pay before doing all the booking and stuff.
When i was in sec 3/4, my class chalets were cheap as there is like 40 people to ask to go and usually, about 20, half of strength went. now in my situation, if half class went, its only 10 people and it would be expensive
I think next time we just meet to eat and have dinner is much better. There would not be so much stress.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
booos and hooos
I would not be full of angry thoughts if i did not went online. I was sooooo upset by the lack of enthusiasm in the coming chalet. I really don't like it and response is not only laggy but also lack of interest. I was so angry that i called it off. Afterall, calling it off may be fine as everyone is quite uncertain of the dates available. Everyone is trying to find a job and not free.
Caslista comments: my el is horrendous-ehhh n pls , dun use flowery language when u cant even use them correctly
Edna: i'm stingy and lousy planner
I've enough of your comments, thanks but no thanks.
i know you all don't give a shit about rotaract, but i cannot accept such rudeness.
Both of you all have your own specialities. The BCA, what shit have you all done? Let me ask you all. Every meeting is just some personal meeting to CHAT. Go and think whether have you done your part? Done your exercises? Doing the homework with understanding or just ask a friend to send you?
I have already enough of it and if you think it was sacasm, i have no comments.
Your comments, any way, has affected me greatly. I am treating it as personal attack. Whether you all see it or not... all i'm feeling now is ANGRY. I mean i feel disappointed with myself. Why must i be born with this kind of ugly face who no girls want and would critcise. Having the eyes that would not look straight. Round and likely forever and not slim nor muscular.
I think now both of you must be secretly extremely happy in your hearts. Mind you all, you are already reaching my boiling point.
I "APPRECIATE " your bluntness
Saturday, September 17, 2005
"the guitarist"? diaoz....

haha... nice?
I was at JE's jammin place...

It was fun, although i was not prepared. We were jamming and I was playing the guitar. Daus played the base. Sean was the drummer. I tried drumming, and it was very fun. I liked getting some bits of music right... and its so great...
Anyway, this pic was taken quite a few weeks ago...
Exams are over, it ended on Thurs, 15 sep. Overall, I feel I did not study enough. Really, its NOT enough. I got study, but not thorough. Its like i missed some scraps and pieces out from my studying and HAH! it came out! :( This is so upsetting!
Management - Very badly done. Half of it i was crapping. Not concrete answers. Why? Cannot remember the exact facts. I cannot remember because i did not study enough! I should have started earlier!!!! For my next sem, I must start really start earlier for any for my modules. I feel so disappointed in myself. What can I do? Accept that i already did one of my very best of my knowledge...
POA- most satisfied paper. Most of the things i knew and I'm so glad that although I only started 1 day before the exam, I am still good at it. All thanks to POA O level! O level poa is so complicated compared to this tiny module i took. It is only about slightly less than half of the o's syllabus. :)
Macroeconomics - quite fine, but i know some i do wrongly already. But Some ans i am quite happy the way i answered it. I just hope for the best. haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Now is holidaying time and i'm finding for a job. I am like still working at sentosa, but its on weekends only, so i'm free on weekdays. Currently in progress, my pending job application is to be a credit card promotor, data logger at FMS (NP). Haiz.... dunnoe will get a notz.....
Monday, September 05, 2005





Can you see a pic that is extraordinarily special? It it the Chinese Garden one! hahaha.
Lots and lots of things passed this week. I went to watch The maid with Pearlyn from the begining of the week and me forgetting about it and lots of stuff. My week ended with Chinese Garden, Sally and today. Haha
I went Chinese Garden for some rotaract fellowship. I had a greate time as the place is soo nice! hahahaha.. LOts of stuff to see.... a "chicken" wedding, ghost train which is not scary at all and more. Hanging around with raffles city rotaractors was great. They are picture taking freaks. HAHA.
On that day, it was teacher's day too! HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY!!!!!!! hahahaaha. I saw most of my favourite teachers. Yay. They were very friendly loz.. hahah. I had this plan of having Interact Club HYSS as Ngee Ann's sister club :) heheh... But i don't know will it work ? :)
Friday was a lonely day. I was alone all day. From SDAR to the library. I went to the library to study and rot. I went SDAR to return some form.... haix.... i thursday forget to return....
Anyway, superstar's results was quite a hoooooooos and haaaas for all. Those who cheered on weilian aka Kelvin was very very happy. Those from Kelly's side were all like soooo sad and most of the youngster would prefer Kelly.
Fact no. 1 Weilian is blind. His movements are limited. He cannnot really sing "fast" songs which is full of action and vibrance. As youngsters, most of our definitons of Superstar is one with a good voice, and could perform well too.
Fact no. 2. Weilian uses his voice to "touch" others. Many are touched to tears le.....
I personally feel both are winners la. Both got a music contact, which is sooooooooooooo good! :)
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Yay! Its finally back and working! I have been REALLY busy with things. I think I have went crazy over work and forgotten about blogging. I feel really quite sad about it loz.. haix.... hahaha....
Stupid person who created the skin.
His server with the skin is gone and my blog died. I guess people wondered what happened.
I apologise for the inconvenience. Heheheheee...
I was busy with
1. work
2. school
3. projects
Life at sentosa have been great. i enjoyed the days there. And I value it. Really. Although I keep hearing the unhapiness from them, but i know their reasons for their anger. I can imagine my unhapiness when i arrived at 7.10pm for a 7.40pm show but locked out ... :( ... hahaa
School was fine, but I have to struggle with tutorials sometimes. It can be quite frustrating... hahahaa... I don't like macroecons and don't understand some vital parts -_-
POA was fine. However, I am far too careless le.... DIE! I must really work hard. Management I have to really sit there to STUDY. There is so much to REMEMBER!!!! haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Projects was quite bad. I was stressed over projects and it gave me a lot of moodiness. I was like rushing over them - for IAC and LMS.... I don't know how is the results. I really hope it fine.
BMGT was terrible. I was soo lazy! I never do until last minute...
WCOM test was a horror as I screwed up my troubleshooting report.. haix.... My format was wrong loz. My headings were wrong. So as my prepared for and prepared by. I wrote as reported by and reported for.
Life was not so smooth sailing after all.
Anyway, I realised that in my class, I do not belong to a group like ie Calista, Edna, and other or hui qi, hushi and others. I am sandwiched in between.
I feel so weird sometimes..... I cannot find a friend as good as my secondary school days. I really don't know.
My class is very competitive. I am getting ready to aim for a straight Bs for my results. I don't know the others. I think straight As bahx....
MY SKIN WILL CHANGE. IT WILL. When I'm freee, i WILL change is soon.. ahahahaaaa
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
workin - sentosa ooi!!!!
I got people getting 19.5/20 when i only got 14.5/20 :( for my Macroecons
I got people getting 94/100 when i got 88.5/100 for BCA
I got people getting 86/100 when i got 72.5/100 for POA.
The disappointment i face the most is POA. I find myself very very careless for POA loz...
ok... now i discuss about last week.... I was sort of busy with work? Life is different when you go back to the workforce now. I found a job at Sentosa as a weekend crowd controller. Sounds sophiscated eh? I agree too. Now i have worked there as this position for 2 days. I am quite familiar with the job now. :) It is like Sentosa's Musical Fountain is VERY popular on Saturdays and Sundays. So even when the show starts at 7.40pm, by 7pm plus, the place would be FULL and we would close the gates and persuade the people to go for the next show
The problem with sentosa's cable car services
1. It stops at 9pm
When the next show starts at 8.40pm and and tourists who wish to take a cable car home cannot do that. Since by the show ended, it would be 9.10pm. So people want to catch the last cable car back to habourfront....
Then again, they come at 7pm, thinking there are places; even there are no places, they think they would be able to stand and watch.
For the sake of everyone's safety, we would not compromise and let people in. So they would be very angry.... scolding, grumbling, giving bogus reasons and lots of stuff.
So i would be welcoming the folks and stuff. I also try to convince them that they can take a bus ride back to Singapore island.
I went for interview on Monday and training on Friday. I feel so happy! Finally, I have some spare cash now. :)
I have invited Daus and Sean to work with me. Very soon, both of them would be working with me! Yay!!!!
So lessons was okay, but i am not doing tutorial questions. So from today, DAY 1, i would do all relevant assignments , before i start touching my laptop. Maybe i switch on music, but no!!!! no online!!!!!! haahha!!!! i must learn to self control...
Sunday, July 24, 2005
all about other things!
Okay. Here is how i spent my 4 days of short rest - thurs, fri, sat and sun.
I went out with daus to ITE Dover. He had cca - photography. i waited for him at the canteen. I explored his campus and found it quite big. :) Later suddenly sean called up. He was asking me where was i. i was quite shocked as the day before, he seemed to give me the impression that he was not going. And he was going? I was like caught unprepared. Heheee
So later we (daus and I) met up with jian wei (another surprise) and sean. We went to Parklane - to look at guitars. Daus was planning to buy but not on that day. Sean was quite disappointed as he thought daus was buying a guitar on that day. Daus was like hurrying here and there. He got lessons at 2pm and yet we were still at dhoby ghaut at 1.30pm HAHA! So he called up his teacher to tell him that he would be late....
Then daus left us... leaving the rest of us. Sean suggested pool and we readily agreed. Jian Wei have not played pool before. So he learnt pool on that day. Pool lesson from sean and i. haha! i cannot teach la.... the gabriels in my class are much more professional than me and they should be teaching him. Too bad jian wei don't know them. I won two matches - with jian wei and another with sean. Sean was blur enough to shoot the black ball in. And tada! I won! hahah:)
I rushed off to raffles place, thinking there would be another job opportunity for me. and guess what? Its MLM!!!! NUGGET! i hate such stuff.
I was angry then i remember i had another mission - to replace my house's cable TV remote control. I went to OUB centre to replace my remote control. I was hoping to find a bank in OUB centre. So i just happily went up 3 escalators not finding a bank. Disappointed, I went out and found out the banks were nearby! What dah? haha! So i went to the bank to find out about my TX card. It is a debit card i recently made. It looks so nice and classic. Screw the scams. I heard about the hackage of computer systems. My father was like warning me and i was quite pissed.
So what happened? Thinking that banks close at 5plus. I went to a place to makan. Its like a sandwich with coffee/tea that costs $2.50 (plus free refill)? Cheap! haha. then i ate that and a carrot cake, $3.50. All expensive food. I think i am a bit too rich le :( I spent a little too much.
Guess what? The bank closed when i reached there. It closed at 4pm !!!!!! haix....
So i went home, feeling a bit disappointed. Later i went for a small jog with good old daus at the park at clementi :)
Went to SAJC's installation. I was feeling very bored initally. Called Ben to chat. He livened my mood! However, overall, ACJC's installation was a success. It's like it was quite simple, but very enriching and touching. The seniors - year 2s were graduating from the club and were stepping down. So there were tears, meaningful words and stuff.
Next stop, one fullerton. I went there to have a briefing on the origins of rotaract, rotary and interact club. It was enriching but there was only drinks only, no refreshments then so hungry? haha!
Went for rotaract club meeting in the morning. We talked about the stuff and now i got namecard now!!! :)
I went to suntec city to find peising (pearlyn) and michelle. So its was like in the morning i did not eat till 4 plus. I bought subway and ate while they played sticks. We met because of Karen's daughter birthday celebration. We went to esplanade to celebrate this special event. So we chatted a lot, including work matters and and stuff. Things have changed a bit here and there since i left.
We went to the makansutra recommended foods place to eat. That day was a memorable day as we were near the padang. Then they were celebrating national day rehearsal. So we heard the aeroplanes, the parashooters and the 21 gun salute. ;P then the cannon sounds were very loud loz.. likw mini explosions.... heheeee. So while we were eating, we had the advantage to watch the fireworks while eating! The fireworks were spectacular and its was very very nice and colourful.
i went to taman jurong with daus in the morning. He wanted me to help the small kids to bring them to taman jurong CC so i was like blur and sleep and forced myself to wake up at 8am. Lucky daus messaged me! So i took daus' father's car to taman jurong. I was sooo sleepy that my eyes could hardly keep open. I went to buy sandwich at 7-Eleven. Ate there with Big Gulp at 2.80 whereby the i just spent 20 cents on drinks! =)
later i just rotted around at Taman Jurong CC and i did NOTHING! ahah....... such a waste of time..... haix.. should not have promised daus...haha.... i sat the aircon room and enjoyed myself. so boring! ahhaa. I saw Mr. Thaman and his wife. his wife is a chinese! :)
Everything blurred then i went home with daus. I went to ABC enterprise to look around. Daus treat me mr softee and chicken rice :) Hahaaaaa... he should... as he won the best in Malay prize!!! haha good for him. Sean won best in English. Me? NONE!!! :( Then Benjamin won best in e maths/a maths (not sure) or maybe Chinese. Haaix... i am left along not going back to old school to get a prize. Even Clement won something too! ............................................................
Okkk... long story eh... happy reading :)
Friday, July 22, 2005
test test test....
1. POA
2. Macroeconomics
3. BCA
Poa was not bad but...... my cash ledger and general journal had problems. Everybody said that the balance for Cash Ledger is 15 000 (Dr) was the answer. I got 12 000 :( How? Where is my 3000? It flew away? I feel very sad loz... Don't know what exactly happened. :( The written answers - i am not very very confident about my answers. Some my answers were quite crappy.
Macroecons was a MCQ/ true or false paper. When i did the paper, i feel that this paper is very tricky, not not direct. Until now, some of the questions i cannot determine the answers.
=(Anyway.. i slacked quite a lot for this subject. I don't know why. I just felt very lazy....
BCA was okay. I felt quite confident in the paper. I think i should okay or well bahx. As the class rep for TB 25, i was assigned to give out the test papers. Then for BCA, TB 25 is combined with TB 26. So i gave out papers to students i don't know. I felt so weird. I felt like i was some new teacher giving out test papers to students. If it's my class, i feel the sense of belonging and i would just willingly give. Then TB 26 folks (one of them) asked me "you give ar?"
Then i was like slightly irritated as like thinking: why can't i give?Haha
The studying process
The studying to all these test involved the heavy use of library rooms. Yes. Study rooms in the library. Haha. I used all the library room resources to gave discussions, revisions and stuff. There were rainy days whereby study sessions still continued. Haha. Had lots of fun with the discussions. Some auntie librarian who chose our room to chide Edna for drinking in the library. Ordering McDonald delivery. The truth unveils about Yan Jie. Hahaaaaaa.. and lots more. Initial D. :):) The signature. The chewing gum. hehezzzz
some updates on certain events =)
1. test test tests.....
3. all about her
Monday, July 18, 2005
ramblings part 2
so how's life for me?
*fine?* not too bad
so what interesting stuff happened today? I got a haircut.
So what is my entry all about then? yesterday, 16th july.
Yesterday, I went for an installation of Queenstown rotaract club. It was held at yishun so i took 1hr to reach there.
After meeting soon chye and another guy from rp - Bing xian, we set off to yishun park - block 658.
The folks were very friendly. So its like i met rotarians frm SMU, SP, RP, NYP and raffles city and many more
So what we did? Sat down and chat. introduce ourselves and stuff. People say ngee ann... quite wow wow feel from them :) The friendliest ws the raffles city and singapore west... whereby the singapore west guy is becoming a teacher and is quite jovial. So how much i paid for it? $12. Sounds ex. eh? i agree too. But nevermind. i won something great. =)
it was like they had this fund raising drive cum lucky dip. You donate $1 and get 1 chance of lucky dip. So it was like i donated $1 and then i put my hands into the box. Then ta da! i took that piece of paper out. It read " 1 ". I was like thinking what was it i have won. The girl was like shocked and said that i won the first prize! i was like in a daze then i just took the box home loz.. The box very nicely wrapped. haha. Not everyone so lucky lor. My friend got a cup and a pair of pens.. some got erasers... then of course, people also got get 2nd prize. I heard it was a shaver.. hahaaaa.... 3rd 4th prizes were also available to be won =P
So what's the prize then? i got a vcd, mp3 cum game player! it has free cds that has games :) and also thet remote controllers for gaming. hahaha.... sounds so fun! i haven't connect it to my house's TV yet. but i am excited about it. When wednesday comes, i can lay my hands of this thing. YAY!
When we went home, soon chye and i were blur enough to walk from yishun to kartib MRT. So we took a bus back to yishun.. heheheeeee.....
that's all. my little friends *wink*
arghh.... still got macroecons and bca to work on....
Saturday, July 16, 2005
some ramblings

i know ramblings should not be put here... but i think i should loz... so i am updating my blog again *smiles*
i finally can type on my lappy and listen to music... chatting at the same time to do some updates.. yay!!!!!
okie... let me do a quick recap of past events okay?
The picture on my left is a photo taken during dephanie's birthday:) she is beside edna :) near kelly.... :) the birthday girl! so she was the one who invited us to her birthday party at her appartment. It was a bbq party and it was very memorable. That day was very long. Saturday .
1. 9am to 1pm - gym with hockey folks
2. 1pm to 2pm - lunch
3. 2pm to 5.30pm - project WCOM with 3times2
4. 6.30pm onwards... dephanie's party
So its like gabe and others went to buy presents so they were late. I, brenna, weisin, kelly, yanjie were there first loz... so we helped to carry chairs tables and lots of drinks.
Then the others came. It was a battle of the foods since everyone was like so hungry. Depahnie had this sotong which was highly popular by everyone. The minute the sotong was cooked... every was like snatching it. The sight was so funny as everyone was scrambling for food! Wah.... must snatch.. hehe......
Depahnie's parents were very hospitable people. They really made us at home and were very friendly.
WE sang the birthday song with her... of cause.. the birthday girl was the happiest loz... the guys were mostly playing billards all the time.. because billards was booked till 11pm. :)
so i shall just stop here temporarily... to not make this entry too long looking :)
Sunday, July 03, 2005
pool alert
Daus is addicted to pool! He finally learnt to play pool with sean as the teacher. Daus is really a good aimer and i lost to him. Sean also lost to him on that day! well... it may be beginners luck, but he's really very good! he should have entered the world of pool long ago... ahkakakka
24th june - the momental day. after poolin.... i went to giant to buy stuff for my mum. it was very late and giant was closing. then the announcement kept singing
" we r closing giant hypermarket in 10 minutes. Please make your final selection and procceed to the counters for payment. Thank you for shopping at GIANT and have a nice day. "
Daus bought the m&m's chocolate bar. mMMmmmM taste not bad!
the next day..Sat... daus again asked me to play pool hhaha. that day got this stephanie sun comin to some event at jurong east central. So it was like i met kelly first then i asked her to stay a while more as she wanted to go shoppin with her friend de.. hahaha... then kelly took pics.. filmed down her performance and stuff. HAHA
afterthat i met daus and we played. Daus was the overall winner. i won 1 match because he shot the black ball in.. hahaha! daus is really good!
So the latest game was on july 01, when i left for the shi kang jun concert... daus had a solo battle with sean... hhaha... coz i left first mahx
sweet doughnut
Girl: yida!!!!
yiDa: "????????" "ahhhh?"
Girl: here's a doughnut for you
yiDa: ???????????????????????? why??/?/
Girl: just take la help me
There was a guy eating doughnuts hungrily then i was like hmmmmmmmmmmm coz i was lost. it was really unexpected. So i just held the doughnut from her then she hurriedly left
Girl: thank you ah....
so it was like i went to the library and happily left the doughnuts on the floor while sitting there. HAHA. i was doin sthat the lib so i forgot about it. It was vwhen gabriel seow came back then he saw the doughnuts, was hungry, and he ate it. When he heard my story, he was worried that it might contain poison or sth like that. the girls joked that it might contain some love charm. So its like it only works on me. so if others eat it, it would mean nothing loz.. hhaaa...
i dunnoe if the playin truth or dare game... but is funny loz... since i am the target...hhahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
not a new kid on e block
recently i went to a school singing by shi kang jun... he sings really not bad eh... at LT26. I noticed LT 26 is the place for concerts. The recent concert by zhang feng qi was also held there. So it was like i forgot about the concert and went to play pool with daus and sean. Before long, i realised i was running late. daus and sean not happy la.. then they talked much... wad could i do? i already like queued for the tix.. so the effort has gone to waste? then kelly already like know i'm goin.. so how can back out? I chose to tell them i need to go and finished the last game. I played especially good for the part when i was leaving. Although i was leaving, i just shot very hard and many balls went in tycoly. i was so satisfied with myself. :)
when i reached there, i tried to scan for familiar faces... :) i saw sharon, mun ying and hui nee! =) so i managed to cut the queue by sitting together with sharon. Had chats and stuff... finally can go in le :) so we went in... i sat at second row counting from the bottom. So you can see how near i could see him. The host was wu xu ma li.... It was like she was wearing spects.. so she looked like yin boon. SERIOUS! She looks like yin boon! hahahaha... Helped to take pics. After concert, i met my class's folks. hahaha. Then met kelly (zhang jing) and kah mun. WOW!!!!!!
Kah mun changed a lot! Although i still could recognise her, but i dun know its her from far! She has changed her dressing sense and she wore a skirt! I have not seen her in skirt b4 eh.. Then its like soooooo unlike her. 270 degree change!!! hahahah
the three girls went for astronomy while i, kelly and kah mun stayed a while at atrium. :)
Later i went home from clementi while they went to eat at clementi food centre...
Sunday, June 19, 2005
story to learn..
When the bus come, you look at it and you said to yourself, "eeee... so full...cannot sit down one". So you said to yourself, "I'll wait for the next one." so you let the bus go and waited for the second bus.
Then the second bus came, you looked at it and you said, "eeee...this bus so old...surely very uncomfortable one." So you let the bus go and decided to wait for the next bus.
After a while, another bus came. It's not crowded and not old but you said, "eeee... no air-con one...and the weather is so warm, better wait for the next one." So again you let the bus go and decided to wait for the next bus.
Then the sky started to get dark as it is getting late.
You panicked and jump on to the next on coming bus. It is not until much later that you found out that you had boarded on to the wrong bus! So you wasted your time and money waiting for what you want!
Even if an aircon bus came, can you ensure that the aircon bus won't break down or will the aircon be too cold for you?
So people...(mostly girls but guys too!) want to make sure that what you want is not wrong. But it wouldn't hurt to give other people a chance, right? If you found that the "bus" doesn't suit, you just press the red button and get off the bus!
But wait...I am sure all of you have this experienced before. You saw a bus is coming (the bus you want of course) you flagged it and the driver acted blur by pretending not seeing you and zoomed pass you!
The bottom line of being loved is like waiting for a bus and whether you want to get on the bus and give the bus a chance depends totally on you and walking alone is just like being out of love.
If you love someone set him/her free. If he/she comes back to you, you know they're yours.
If they don't then it was never meant to be.
Remember to always say what you mean. If you love someone, tell. Don't be afraid to express yourself.
Reach out and tell someone what they mean to = you.Because when you decide that it is the right time, it might be too late.
Seize the day.
Never have regrets.
And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family, for they have helped make you the person that you are today.
Pass this along to your friends. It could make a difference.
The difference between doing all that you can ohaving regrets which may stay with you forever.
Friendship is never an accident. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
And remember.... Keep Smiling....coz... "Of All Things You Wear, Your Smile Is As love returns to me, As I return to you, As love returns to us. =
I guess this is really wonderful and makes a lot of sense.
Happy Reading! =P
Friday, June 17, 2005
fast fast fast...
Today got LMS = Life management skills. The tutor is very nice, but the people drives me crazy. Firstly, my group did not meet other time to do our project. No one bothered to arrange though. some keep saying got other projects to do... :( Then if not... even we meet, sometimes our group members throw freezing cold water. I mean... do you like if group members go and tell the tutor say he's lost, or we don't seem to cooperate? That's very mean of the person. what is he/she trying to say eh? I did quite a lot for the project. I don't act very big roles in the skit, but i try to coordinte the things. I feel very sad! Very disappointing. tHis week, i the more i don't want to go... because 2 of my members are likely not going. Gabriel Seow is definitely not, but for purple... i am not sure.
I don't know la. My parents are paranoid about me being late for my lectures. My lectures usually start at 9am. I need to be awake by 8am. Somehow, i could not achieve it sometimes. I was late for the recent macroeconomics lecture by 11mins. The Mr. Eng Kiat guy just started. so i did not bother. But I spent lots of money.
LOTS and LOTS of money. I spent $20 to buy a replacement POA book, which is a screw of my money. $7 on taxi fare. then $10 on taxi because that day i met sean to watch the movie down fall. It is a German movie with English subtitles. Well, the show was nice. Felt very sad and remember vividly how the children were killed. We had a great time on the bus after that as we took bus to clementi. It was so late. i was supposed to meet him at 9pm. But I forgot about the time at the library. I also never bring my hp on that day! What the hell man? haha. Then I was out of the house at 8.45pm, which seem impossible to meet him. I took cabbie and reached there about 9.20pm. The movie started and we bought drinks and chionged in. The tickets were $9.50... so its a scary price.. But i enjoyed the movie. so never mind la...
Next week i am watching a school concert by Daniel a newbie guy who appeared in the radio recently. I think he sings well. I will be watching with kelly at a certain lecture hall (cannot rmbr le) at 6pm. Great stuff. Got comapany. Haha!
Well... i realised BS =Business Studies=PROJECTS course. Almost all modules have a project, which frustrates me. 2 Projects already frustrates me. But 5 projects is a bit too much. Each project the grouping is different. We have to find time to meet and discuss. The PBL project is very irritating. It's difficult to come out with this funny template... hahaa
But still luckily, i got no maths related subjects yet. I heard i will be learning biz statistics, which will be a killer... awwwwwwwwww....
Yesterday i met up with good old daus. His poor com is till win 98.. which is SOOOOOOO old. Having windows xp is really an advantage. The technology is much better and the system vis very stable. As lon g as vu constantly update your com and antivirus. I think it is great stuff! Haha. he bought xp .. but not real 1 so he dare not install.. so sad.
i also talked with sean on the phone for something like 25 minutes? We had a nice chat. sean has free incoming mahx... then it is good news :)
As my school goes back to normal. I realised i attented schools for 4 weeks liao = 1 mth! How fast time passes! I feel my classmates are generally marvellous! Wah Hey!
Well. for t-est folks, i met Isaac and Peising. Sorry isaac! i was finding someone when you called me. Sorry for my coldnesss. Peising - met twice.... at bus stop n library.
You might be wondering what day mean ritez. They mean TB 25 (nP) and t-est ROCKS big time!!!! :):):)
PS: I have lots of vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv beside my words. Sorry for that. i am using a laptop to type this entry...
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Monday, June 13, 2005
my POA TEXTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really hope to see my book again. I am so upset, and heartbroken. How can the book disappear in something like 5-10 minutes? Why can't the people who saw my book left it alone? Why must they take it? Are they poly students? Why must it be GONE? WHY WHY WHY?
I am calling all people, if you are the person who took my book, please return it to ME. My HP is 92966843
BOOK NAME: Financial Accounting Information for Decisions 3rd edition (International Edition)
by John J. Wild
Publisher: McGraw Hill
Thursday, June 09, 2005
some ramblings about a CAT
Yesterday was kinda fruitful. I met joseph and we kind of met up with each other. Jo said he was going to find Zhong Qing as he wanted to have lunch with him. I followed him to the lib and we chatted. It was nice to hear updates from a friend. =)
Next, i initially wanted to go and eat with em' de, but thinking of my lost $7, i felt sad loz. I instead sat around in the lib and i met Mun ying and hui nee not long later. They were cuddling at the place the fire water hose was and it fitted 2 girls sitting there nicely. ;) haha. it was quiite interesting then i just chatted with them. I told them a ping pong ball story and they were baffled by it. want me to tell? hahah... ask me for it when u wanna waste ur time.. HAHA!!
So u read read read.. then think... where is the CAT thingy i was talking about? so here comes the spotlight ***** tada******
haha. yesterday i went with my mum to have dinner at my old house- blk 258 aka yuhua village. We went to the coffee shop to eat EE-fu noodles. Suddenly, a cat appeared. it walked here and there roaming around... Ah. It got my attention. I m a fan of CATS as usual:) Suddenly, it targeted a guy who was eating mixed vegetables rice. he bought a huge fish that accompanied with his rice. The cat was hoping that he would be given some food. He sat beside the man and it was looking at him intently. Well to my surprise, it suddenly lifted its paws and like trying to get his attention by putting the paws on his legs. the guy still contined eating and ignored the cat. The cat looked around, feeling sad.
it waited till the man finished his meal. Fortunately the man's fish was not eaten until extremely clean. This was the most interesting part: the cat climbed onto the chair, and looked around. suddenly a coffee stall assistant cleared the drinks on the table. It quickly ducked. Next, with the wary look on its face, it climbed onto the table and used its mouth to catch hold of the fish! WHAT A SIGHT! i have not seen such a scene in my life until today!!! The cat was very very cute intelligent and furry! :)
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
sch stuff
So let me tell you all about ngee ann. I just feel like promoting Ngee Ann today so i would just ramble some good things about this place. Firstly, this campus is wireless friendly. It has wireless campus wide network. The signal is always excellent as there are access points all over the place.
Secondly, this campus has great facilities. Ranging from aircon classrooms to facilities like gym, cafeterias, swimming pool and a fantastic library. It is one of the best tertiary education available. I like the library a lot as there 4 storeys in total.
Haha. enough of promoting. Next, let me tell u about the lessons today. I was rotting at the Lecture hall when the lecturer was talking about Excel and stuff. My energy was dimishing as i felt giddy and tired. Soon, it was the Business Management lecture which told me about the contraints businesses face and how they cope with it. Well. This time i was sooooooooooooo tired until i just laid down on the table and sleep. I was really exhausted =X
Next, i went to canteen 3 to have lunch. I met Zhong Qing and James. ZhongQing xhanged quite a lot loz.... hahaaa. He saw me so he signalled. I did not see him loz.. ahaha. Had curry chicken and sayor lodeh from the Indian stall. Later, i helped 2 girls, namely Edna and Ann Marie to get some desserts. I ate chendol.
Well, i think life is always like that. If not we go out with friends to spice up our lives, or we go to school. My modules are okay and i am beginnig to adjust to poly life. Haha. Now i am using the school's library to blog. Today I did not bring my laptop. Well. I LOVE my lappy. But it is sooooooo heavy :( haiz....
This thurs i am meeting yue hua for lunch. I am looking forward for the reunion... Haha... long time never see her le.
Well, i sometimes feel quite lost without my good old friends around. Its lucky that i recently met up with daus last sun to update with each other. :) Long time since i last saw him =P I saw his double ring arm band. He told me it cost $30!!!! What a spending of money wh? To buy a armband which cost $30 since it's nike and its a limited edition thingy. Haha
Now i am still feeling sour over $7!!!!! I could have had 2 meals with that loz. TWO DAYS of lunch! HAHAa. MSN has been quite quiet these days. When i go online, it seems like not much people around.
And I am still promoting about my survey! HAHAAA.. ask me for more details :)
Sunday, June 05, 2005
hua yi year book
I went back to HYSS and saw Mdm Lina and Mr Soo. Mr Soo quickly dished out the year book :) THE AWAITING book. Hahaaaaa
So for aLL SECONDARY 4 Folks for year 2004 for those who took O's for 2004, please take the year book by going to the General office. NO taking of books for friends. You can only take your own copy :) You need to sign your name wor on a piece of paper...
OK? :) I would like to say that the clubs - interact club- the group picture enlarged until very big loz. So interactors... please do look out for it wor!
Highlights: Went to Singapore Food Fair at Expo. I was back home at 11pm plus. Then i go online until very late, do homework at 2plus am- Compo that starts with "I'm a changed person because of..." Slept at 3.45am
Highlights: I am made the WCOM rep... =x. its actually okay, but i need to transmit messages all the time about the subject.
Had lots of tutorials. Most memorable was our advisor- Mr Pang's. He treated coffee/tea after the BMGT lesson. Later had hockey meeting. The instructor talked a lot loz.. about competitions and stuff...
Met up with PeiSing and Michelle. We went to JP to gaigai.. hahahahha. After school loz.. hmmm...
Went to chuan's house to solve his computer installing a program called JBuilder. It was nuggets loz.. haix... managed to get his stuff okie :) Looks like i should charge for this kind of house to house service.. hahahah
Slacked around.. did some POA.. played some pool online.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
old folkas
coupled with runny nose and stuff.. i am not feeling well :(
Tomorrow lucky school start 11am :) not 9am... can zzzzZZZZZzzz
Thursday, May 26, 2005
an update
Ok... it is just a trick to cheat people like you and me.. hahaaa... Life at poly is very different from secondary schools.. that is all i can say... haha..
Fact no. 1: E-portal This thingy is very frustrating loz :( The notes are all there and i need to download it myself. Nevermind about that. The worst is finding PRINTING solutions. How to print the notes? I need to find places to print the stuff and there are lots of them. I do not know if this problem exists in sP...
Fact no. 2 : big campus. I hate big campuses which need me to run around like freaks to lecture halls. Then i was late for wed's eL lecture (WCOM) because of the rain and the bus and the vast area of NP! School of engineering is so big and i had go to a lecture hall located there... IT looks like school of bA is the best, and the easiest to locate.. lol
Fact no. 3: PROJECTS PROJECTS and more!!! There are lots of projects that are incoming... Every subject has a project! I am taking like 6 modules and each 1 has a project... :S It is not that i do not like projects, but i find it far too much...
I am joining hockey for ccA :) yesterday i tried joining... but they say i need to have shorts. Then i join next week... Wait till 6pm for ccA to start =X
Ok thats all. loz.. just had a game of pool with good old sean. He won Three matches.... Then it was fun to play loz... Hmmm... :D Next week tutorials will start and i will get busy... hmnmmm...
Friday, May 20, 2005
bA oc 05
ok.. folks frm unknown land will not understand what i am talking... HAHA! Firstly...
1. bA stands for School of Business and Accountancy =)
bA courses include: BS Business Studies, Acc Accountancy, BF Banking & financial service and BiT Business IT.
2. so bA oc stands for Business and Accountancy Orientation Convention 2005
3. It is a convention for BA frehies like us... LOL
Day 1: The embarkment
some games and stuff. Sat at the convention hall to watch some performances. NICE! Esp the song composing club folks. Magnum Force performed better this time. Had some ice breaking games at the hALL. the hall was nicely decorated with all the respective countries! GREAT!
Day 2: The transit
we had some mass games and some run around the sch... well... it resembled the one i had at bA camp. Its tiring!!!
Later we went to the convention hall to hear a talk on Enterprising and Innovtion.. or sth like tt? Hmmmm
Day 3: The destination
Had concert performance. the search or mr. and ms bA. Sat cross legged from 3pm to 6pm. Legs felt rotten. Well... the events and performances were marvellous. Passionate spain was great; so as enterprising usa...
Well... tts abt it then...
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
last day of work at T-est
Finally, i am not working and going back to school life again.
T-est brought me lots and lots of good memories. It was like in the past, when i just stepped into the company, the work there is soooo slacky.
And now? Work there is getting challenging and i am always feeling very tired after work. I tap my card always later than 10.30pm for something like 3-4 days as my work used up so much time that i could not finish it on time =(
Well, the work load I wouldn't mind. But the staff shuffles are making life at T-est not as great as in the past *hint*
Haha. I was "santa" for the night when i gave out the gifts to the aunties. This gift was packed by peising. I contributed the sweets.
Well, the touching parts came in at 10pm onwards. It was like Yue hua was getting so emotional that she cried. The aunties began to drip tears too. I was sooooooooooooooooooooo touched. Karen hugged me. She was so sad. I was so dazed. Park mui, len tei, and rena auntie were avoiding eye contact with me. It was like i saw their tears! I never expected that my colleagues would get so emotional. I was soooo sad too. Haix.. Yue hua was saying - Don't leave lah! Don't leave lah! I was thinking: i cannot drag any more. i got bAoc 05 for three days. School is starting very soon.
Michelle was also all teary. Peising was teary too. Most of the folks can't bear to see us go. During work, i always taught the aunties. I helped them to my best knowledge. During oTs i talked to the aunties. The aunties learnt a lot lot things from as i was very familiar with my job. All thanks to who? Yue Hua, my senior, my mentor, my teacher. I will always remember!
Well, working life at different places exposed to me the different kind of job's responsibilities, and speciality and stuff. Since the O's i worked at so many places. I trailed a hard route to find the job that is one of the most highly paid and i enjoyed it as i developed the bonds with he people. T-est will leave a deep memory in my mind.
Well, if any t-est folk is reading my blog - take care ok? HAHA... i hope that life at t-est will get better everyday.
*to cindy* I miss channel zhang jian!!!!
convention day & sentosa outing
Here are the two stuffs i would be bloggin about majorly... haha...
1. convention day
2. sentosa outing
Sunday, May 15, 2005
sentosa aloha!
I have been planning for this outing, as early as late april 2005. I was discussing with a group of people asking for opinions on a outing that could be organised. I discussed with Chuan and he suggested West Coast Park. However, after discussion with a whole lot of people and the arrangements for dates, Sentosa was the final decision.
Well, the list was something like 20 people going. However, more began to tell me they could not make it. Some folks told me the day before, who have me "chilling" sensation and disappointments. So what was the final results? 9 people (including me) went for the outing. with a smaller group of people. It may be a blessing in disguise.
List of people who went
1. Sean Lee
2. Chan Tong aka Arteious
3. Yong Xun aka Cider
4. Daus
5. Shahrain
6. Malik
7. Zin Mar
8. Chee Wee
9. Me
So what was the purpose of the gathering?
1. to update each other about the education routes we are taking
2. To celebrate sean's and cT's birthday
3. To gather for one of the last times as we are unlocking another journey of our lives
Highlights of the day
1. The sabo - Chee Wee and I were saboed by carring us and thrown into the sea. Wow. It was fun eh?
2. The sand battle - Sean, yx and ct and I were having a sand battle. It was fun but i was sandy all over. Especially my hair - urGh!
3 The zinmar-allies with the small kids -- Zin mar was suddenly chatting with 2 small girls who were um playing around with the water. We saboed her by throwing snad at her. She was so angry that she unleased her forces to get back at us.
4. Played daigee with chee wee. Played pairs with him too! Now i know how to play le. Then its like i was winning during the game and poor chee wee was defeated. =)
5. small soccer match. With zinmar, ct, sean, and yx. The sand was very very hot =X
6. bicycle trip for daus, sean, zm, malik, and rain.
7. The roll down the sand - yongxun and ct were having fun rolling down the sand to the sea! HAHA! Then i was taking care of the tent while listening to mp3
8. Hid yx and cT's one of the slippers by digging a small hole. HAHAAAA
9. Sean's & cT's bdae cake. some folks were not so happy as they were not notified...:(
10. Yongxun's idea of making them taking out the candle holders from the side of the cake using their mouth
11. soccer match round 2 with sean, yx and ct. The others left. Sean and yx agreed to run to the waters and take a dip if the scored a goal =D
12. Had dinner with them at HabourFront food centre. NICE! :)
13. Talked lots of crap and also AOE (Age of empires) on the way home.
Ok, thats about it. We had so much fun! I will miss you guys. -_- Especially those who know me kinda well. I applaud zinmar to hang around with us - a group of guys! hahAAA Three cheers for her! I will definitely miss my sec sch folks.... :P
Thursday, May 12, 2005
convention day
Then it was quite formal initially with the principal talking and stuff. When it came to the CCA performance, everybody was heading the toilet. I was thinking: Why must they want to go to the washroom when the performance is on? Hmmmm.
There was this harmonica group that was special. The old man was rambling to us the different pitch and chords in a harmonica until most of us got bored. Then it was like he began to play a proper tune and it sounded so nice! :):)
Another is that np's dance group has so many groups in the category - dance. Their performances were great!
The cheer leading CCA group was screaming excitedly when they arrived. However, i somehow felt it fake (no offence ah) I really dont know how i got this feeling. It just felt unnatural. The dance steps were okay, but some stack ups pyramid was not so successful. However, i applaud them for their effort. =)
There was CCA fair and refreshments. We did not go to the CCA fair. LOL
We accompanied Peising to Student Services Centre to ask about the laptop matters. Peising got the intention of renting a laptop instead of buying 1.
Later, we went to atrium's student services. We went to the toilet. Later, i printed my time table and the modules i have taken .
I was wearing yellow that day and it attracted a lot of attention. i sat that place got video camera lozx. Then they flash the scene around the hall sometimes. Since the hall was dark, my yellow shirt seem to be surprisingly bright. HAHA. Some people could see me very well... lol
We went to my working place's canteen and ate western food. NICE! We went back to work then. - We took half day leave...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
new hair
t-est basic printer test + bA freshman camp
Friday, May 06, 2005
bA freshman camp day 03
We were playing the game "secret code." It involves the person setting a code number from 1 to 99. Then each one of us guess the number. Poor Gee Thong and Brendan were punished 3 times! Same goes with Rebecca loz.. LOL! Haha... Then We punished them by doing weird stuff. Like being lame by singing GP GP to another group of people Then one is carrying the dustbin to the centre of the exam hall and kneeling to it and say "Will you marry me?" HAHA... It is so damn funny. Other punishment to be like playing with the sleeping jerry... hehe. or asking a girl: Do you want to dance with me? A mean punishment is to wake up a sleeping girl. She was covered herself with a towel. Then Fahana flipped open the towel. She woke up. Then Fahana asked her: are you feeling hot? Wah... i was laughing like crazy.. it was soooooooooo funny! AhaHah......
Later, we went to downstairs to get a drink. When we went back, we were rotting around until Ernest, a GL joined us. He told us the life of a poly student and then we just kept talking some were so tired hat they fell asleep. Gee thong has some marker marks on his face and hands. HAHA.. Ernest draw on him de. Then I told them the story of ping pong balls until everyone was almost asleep. Then i asked: wht ping pong balls are so popular nowadays? LOL. It was like Erika, another GL same team de laughed like crazy.
The morning ah.. we were having auction. We earned points for the activities we participated. Our group got something like 3rd /4th position. =) Top 5 out of 12 groups. Haha. then we joined forces with Blue Ocean=) Then we shared our sweets and things we got for the auction for the points - so fun! haha....
HOME SWEET HOME! =) took some photographs. Very fun!!!!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
bA freshman camp day 02
Amazing race: I was in the same team with jerry. We had to communicate via sms to the HQ to guess the clue given to us. The first clue - we were so stumbled by it that many group leaders could not find the correct answers. The fire hydrants and Krismis and Toh Yi road is difficult to determine. There was an only group that managed to go through the task smoothly. The next stop was bukit batok. We went to some multi-storey carpark at sean's house there. We did not even go to the carpark to see the real thing. Another group's group leader told jerry the answer. Immediately, we opened the next clue and we went to Turf City's Giant to find out the prices of breads, coffees, milos. We managed to get it correct :)
The game was challenging as the task to do on the location we were asked to go was in an e-mail. Then phones usually cannot access e-mails. We have to reply on connections to get the e-mails checked and knowing the tasks- what to do.
The next place was MacRichie reservoir and this was where we had our lunch- duck rice.
We made the gateway to our next destination - Hereen at Orchard. Then we got lost there. the task was very complicated and it has a attachment of a powerpoint presentation. We used the computers at library@orchard to print out the task information. We got a clearer picture what we were supposed to do. There were some distances and directions to be followed to get the correct answers. We coould not find the correct answers. it was until some other GL called jerry and told the answers :). We were already in Orchard MRT, hiding for rain! We quickly rushed to City Hall - last mission. We were supposed to find out the fountain's name. And we were to go to Padang. But Jerry thought it was at the war memorial park. We ran there to find out. It was raining quite heavily loz. Then when we came back, we were dripping wet. We managed to get the answers correct through connections.
We took Mrt back to np by stopping at dover. I met mel :D long time nv see her le. lol
We got something like top 5 for this race? LOL. All thanks to chiongster Jerry! heheee
Next was the campfire. They did not have a real one, but it was fun. We sang, we cheered, we performed. each group has a skit or dance. Ours - we chose snow green and seven jokers. It is a twist of the real story of the real one. I was acting as prince charming. I had to wear a wig and some then the wig was some curly hair and it looked simply weird. I was supposed to give snow green a tight slap to wake her up from her sleep... What a anti-climax eh? Haha
too tired to continue.. tml then continue
ok.. the campfire also got dance - friendship dance. As we walk to the right... as we walk to the left, as we walk... as we walk... as we walk all night... with the tip of the toe and a half turn around... here we go and a new friend found! :) It was such a nice game. We just kept spinnig around loz.. then when is got faster, it was very exciting! hahazzz
before the campfire got nightwalk - fun :) Blindfolded and stuff....
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
bA freshman camp day 01
The camp was very nice, and it left me with lots of memories. We assembled at 8.45am. I was still old and sleepy. We procceeded with the cheers and stuff... Everybody were feeling very blur... Green Pasture did very badly for the cheers loz... Then out of the the four guys - me, gee thong, brendan and Ian, Gee thong was half asleep... hahaz...
We created our own flag; it did not get a lot of people's attention... We did mediocrely.
My GL - Jerry is a very interesting guy. i have not seen a chiongster like him loz.. haha.. chiong all the way. We played games by going all over the school woth the stations allocated. There were games that were very innovative like walking on chairs and collect baloons. Then move to the basket. It is a competition between the groups. The the plastic cup water pouring game was great too. Had lots of fun. Jerry was chionging like crazy and we had to run together with him.
Lunch - Nasi lemak - not a good choice, not exactly that nice either...
Night - Scavenger hunt. Memorable. Jerry was smart enough to take photographs of the real things. He also go and ask his frends to send mms over. *intelligent*!
Some funny stuff to find from the school -
1. waterside condo
2. 3G Phone
3. white hair strands
Sleeping time - supper... not bad la- just milo and biscuits. I did not really sleep, but manged to sleep from 2am to 6am... lol
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I did not expect that even we are leaving the company, we were expected to take the test. It is easy for the theory part. But for the practical, i did quite ok, but made mistakes :( Haix.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
outx with ben
1. Went out with Benjamin
2. Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza
3. In search of a gift to Chee Chuan
4. Bought a figurine of Jay Zhou for him
5. Bought a card from popular
6. Shared the money equally
7. went to Kopitiam to write our messages in our cards.
8. chatted a lot... learnt more about JC life...
I treasure the times we meet... whether is it a small one or not... =)