Saturday, November 08, 2008

BMT finishing!!!

Yupps... My BMT phase in NS is finally ending! 5 mths passed with a blink of an eye:) 1 more month to go and ah ha... waiting for posting and looking forward to a new life in a new place.

Had block leave recently. Enjoyed myself at home and going out with parents...Bought a new TV 42 inch- $1399. Somemore got give free DVD Mini Combo :) So sadly, there was no free installation of the TV due to its competitive price. I fixed everything myself and lifted the 30++ kg TV to put it onto the stand. Lucky I was careful so the TV was not damaged :)

Wed went ktv at bugis. Not bad ah... that place. But the song choosing system was quite complicated... a bit hard to understand la.

Thurs had BBQ with the platoon folks. Then had this mini expedition to the scary places including lim chu kang cemetry. nothing much la. walk here walk there in the dark lor. Then later we went geylang. It was quite stupid la. but the ladies standing around really a lot sia. Like all waiting for customers. zzzZzz We did not alight. hahas.

Then we went to Jalan Kayu for breakfast. Quite expensive la. the prata also not very nice but price v ex. Then Taufiq sent us home one by one and it was a long wait before it reached my house =X. Hahaa.

Reached home and bathed and sleeped. Woken by my mum asking about the medical appointment. Rushed down to NSC and see the doctor. The doc was somehow impatient sia.... sending me the message like ok... you are done... can go off now...

Then went to SAFRA Mt Faber. Collected the free watch. Not bad :) Then to meet weitai and yongqing. YQ likee fairer le lor... must be used a lot of SKII... also slimer... I think went on diet bahs. hahas

Weitai restored to normal le! Unlike the other time i saw him. His hair all grew longer le.

oh my tian. must go back camp le :( BMT quickly end la.... LOL