Thursday, May 12, 2005

convention day

Well today was a okay day. Peising, Michelle, Ivan and i went to Ngee Ann Poly together as a group. Haha - all T-est staff/ex staff. Saw some girls from early childhood =P LOL

Then it was quite formal initially with the principal talking and stuff. When it came to the CCA performance, everybody was heading the toilet. I was thinking: Why must they want to go to the washroom when the performance is on? Hmmmm.

There was this harmonica group that was special. The old man was rambling to us the different pitch and chords in a harmonica until most of us got bored. Then it was like he began to play a proper tune and it sounded so nice! :):)

Another is that np's dance group has so many groups in the category - dance. Their performances were great!

The cheer leading CCA group was screaming excitedly when they arrived. However, i somehow felt it fake (no offence ah) I really dont know how i got this feeling. It just felt unnatural. The dance steps were okay, but some stack ups pyramid was not so successful. However, i applaud them for their effort. =)

There was CCA fair and refreshments. We did not go to the CCA fair. LOL

We accompanied Peising to Student Services Centre to ask about the laptop matters. Peising got the intention of renting a laptop instead of buying 1.

Later, we went to atrium's student services. We went to the toilet. Later, i printed my time table and the modules i have taken .


I was wearing yellow that day and it attracted a lot of attention. i sat that place got video camera lozx. Then they flash the scene around the hall sometimes. Since the hall was dark, my yellow shirt seem to be surprisingly bright. HAHA. Some people could see me very well... lol

We went to my working place's canteen and ate western food. NICE! We went back to work then. - We took half day leave...

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