Monday, November 29, 2004

…disc lent and went out…

Yesterday I did not go online. It is part of the save money and stopping the resist to go online. I realized that I have been going online so often that I post the blog everyday! :S I feel that I should try to limit myself or a bomb telephone bill will come. I was listening to the radio happily ever after in the morning, switching between power 98 and perfect 10. Power 98 was broadcasting American top 40 by Ryan Seacrest while perfect 10 was Rick leys top 40. It was quite enjoyable as I was able to change and change channels! :)

Suddenly at around afternoon time, Ika called me to ask me whether I got Microsoft Word. I told her I got Office XP but after some finding, I realized that my discs are not labeled! I am so angry with myself. I cannot tell what is inside the disc. In the end, I lent her the office 97 disc, which I used ages ago. Office XP was uploaded for me by good old chan tong. Ika gladly accepted and we arranged to meet outside my house. I took a disc using a shopping bag and waited for her. It seemed a while but she still was not seen. It was until she called me again and I found out she was right outside my block lobby! I was at the void deck of my block but she was at the lobby! ;) I finally saw her and she was dressed in tudong! I first time see her in tudong. So it is considered special. Haha hehe.

Let us see for today: I went to red hill and Tiong Bahru plaza.

It was very, very mysterious this morning. I woke up at six plus to bathe. Then I woke up at nine plus to mop the house. I went online to find out about Chevrons—the clubhouse. Chuan wanted to have a chalet there. One person is about $16 for a three-day-two-night chalet. Haha. The mystery was not about this; it is when I met Daus then Sean to take the 197 bus. The bus was having some technical problems. At first, all of us were wondering why the driver would not fetch us. I realized that the machine was out of order (ez-link). The driver tried to repair it by opening and closing the doors and moving out and back to the terminal. It was such a sight watching that! Everybody was getting impatient and the driver used another bus as a backup. We were aiming for that double-decked air-conditioned bus!

However, our wish did not come true. We were quite fed up and we went to McDonald’s for lunch instead. Daus redeemed his cheeseburger while Sean redeemed his McSpicy Double. For me, I bought the fish fillet set meal, the one with caramel ice cream. It did not taste exactly bad, some new stuff on the move! Sean bought extra fries. The auntie was quite a blur bog. She happily took my money with out asking to accumulate the points! I am so angry with her. Hmpf! Next, a bad accident happened. I did not realize that the serviette Sean put was on the edge of the table! As a result, the paper could not hold the weight and toppled. Sean pants and mine all had some chili sauce and mayonnaise on it. The auntie was also very blur: NO chili sauce given. I have not seen such an auntie before, so blur and forgetful! Although she was quite a nice woman, I am somehow upset with her.

We took the 197 bus and went to red hill to find Daus’ mysterious shoe shop that he wanted to go. In fact, I actually wanted to arrange a movie session on 30 November to watch movie and at the same time. Nevertheless, Daus told me he had something on—the Hari Raya visits among Sec 4 express Malay students. I thought I would just forget it and perhaps organize it next time. He called me when I was in Commonwealth, going to have dinner there. He told me he want to buy some shoes at red hill. We agreed and I asked Wen Long along.

We were all hot and sweaty after the walking; the weather was so hot! Daus’ recommended place was so remote, which is so “ulu!” There were many shoes inside the shop, including women and men shoes. The uncle managing the place did not bother us while we just looked around. Daus did not like the shoes, and hence he did not buy anything. We went to the 7-Eleven opposite and bought some beverage. I thought red hill MRT was very near this place and told the people why not we walk there.

In the end, I was wrong! Ha-ha. Daus’ directory indicated that it is still long way from MRT station :(. In the end, we wandered around and took 63 to an area nearer to the MRT station. Red hill is very sloppy. We used the sloppy part to go through to reach the bus stop. It was quite scary! Ha-ha. When we reached red hill, Daus said he want to go to the mosque to do his daily prayers.

We separated—Sean and I went to the red hill market. Guess what? I saw someone! He is a mediacorp person. Ha-ha. This man is like the favorites among the older generation. He is called “Lin2 Xiao1.” Many people would not know him. However, I recognized his face. His hair was all curly, also stylishly shaped. He was buying mixed vegetables rice. :) He looked younger in person than on television. He is actually quite muscular!

Hehe… I bought sugar cane juice and we went to 7-Eleven at red hill MRT. Sean bought fish balls and topped it with lots of chili. The fish balls were not skillfully fried. It was over fried and it did not take that good. It was quite tiny too. When Daus came back, we took bus to Tiong Bahru plaza. Sean was shopping for a birthday present for his sister. I was looking for the Creative fair for the opening of the new NTUC fairprice at Tiong Bahru plaza. We went to most of the shops in Tiong Bahru. Suddenly, I saw a job opportunity at Valu$. I wrote my name there in case they called me. I tried to enquire to work in a comic shop, but they are looking for someone older. Another place looking for waiter, but when I asked, the person said they do not need any more staff already. We went to Hobby shop at the 5th or 6th floor. It was quite an interesting place but the people inside was somewhat suspicious of us stealing. It made us quite uneasy ah. Perhaps we are the only customers. That is the reason… I bought MTV Superstars Disc and “1” The album using my $40 popular voucher. Lol. Anyway, Sean did not buy anything for his sister in the end at Tiong Bahru plaza.

We had tea break. We went to an eating-house (halal) to eat. The food there was not bad. Sean ate mee rebus while Daus ate nasi lemak. At first, I drank bundong there but the people not happy ah. Hence, I bought popiah. The people there were quite friendly. Food there tasted not bad. The best of all is that the food sold there is halal! Daus also had cheng teng for dessert. :)

We went to play arcade games for a while. It was quite fun. I played a game resembling King of Fighters and later played Metal Slug with Daus. I suck at games. Lost the games. :S

We went back to Jurong East and Sean this time separated from us. He went to Popular to buy stuff for his sister while Daus and I went to Shop and Save and NTUC Fairprice supermarket. Daus bought noodles and sawi (cai xin) At first, I got no idea what was “sawi” I even asked the auntie at the supermarket. She did not know what was it either. Daus called his sister and finally knew the common name cai xin. Haiyo… what only? I went to ‘shop and save’ and made a serious mistake. My mum told me that Mug Root Beer was on offer. She was WRONG! It was A & W Root Beer! I had to change because there is a price difference of $ 2.20! It was lucky that I insisted to change. Lucky wor!

Wen Long’s bus – 66 came very early! He left earlier than Daus and I. How could he! Haha. I went home, feeling quite tired.

Anyway, I heard there is some case of a baby left a plastic bag with the umbilical cord at Woodlands! That is so scary! I feel very sad for the baby—it died. A harmless life had died… just like this…
I had vegetarian food for dinner. The food is as good the real one. Yay!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

…chilling out…

I played Heroes of might and magic III (The restoration of Erathia) for a whole THREE hours! It was very exciting. I like the battles but at first, I combat myself. Nevertheless, after many rounds, I found it very troublesome and I used the auto combat function. I lost twice and was forced to revert to saved mode. Anyway, I think it is going to be fun if I keep playing games. Hehe. Maybe I should try maple story recommended by ah Wang. Haha.

For yesterday, I have been going to other people’s blog. I found an article on your love life at yinboon’s blog. I find it quite interesting and hence, I would like to share it with everyone. Very soon, I will be linking her blog loz. (I keep on forget…) Anyway, credits shall go to her! :)

To find your love attitude number, add your birth month and your birth date together.
Keep reducing it until it is a single digit.
For example: January 281+28 = 292+9 = 111+1 = 2
your love attitude number is 2.
Read on below to find out what your love style is supposed to be.
If your number is:

One // you are charming imaginative and independent. Usually your style is ahead of others; you know what is in and what way is out. Sometimes you are a little too aggressive when it comes to pursuing a love interest. You have a way of drawing attention wherever you go, and this dramatic flair usually attracts the strongest guys. Your competitive nature either draws or repels guys/gals...but those who cannot handle your power are not your type anyway. At times, you can be possessive, manipulating, and demanding with your friends and in love relationships. You like guys/gals with lots of intelligent! Nice... and knock-'them-dead good looks don't hurt either.

Two // your love nature is sentimental, romantic and kind. Your easygoing, mild manner allows almost everyone to feel very comfortable with you - especially shy guys/gals. Your modesty and tactfulness enable you to get along easily with both sexes. You are a natural peacemaker and can be very persuasive with words, which helps you to gain the respect of your classmates. You can also be too sensitive at times, and your greatest drawback is a lack of confidence to stand up for yourself in conflict. Your favourite type of guy is a gentle, affectionate one who is also strong and playful. A great sense of humour is also a must. A guy/gal who loves to listen to music and dance should rank high on your list of favourites too.

Three // you are imaginative, fun loving, thrill seeking and expressive. You are so charming that you attract many friends and you are almost never lacking guys/gals. In your early years, you may be totally shy and self-conscious, but you will lose those qualities in the high-school years. You can be sort of vain or even a bit of a show-off when you get caught up in exciting events in your life, but you usually redeem yourself in some playful way before you lose a friend. Jealousy shows its ugly head sometimes, but generally, you are not affected by it unless your guy/gal tries to provoke it. In the guy/gal department, you prefer the athletic or artistic types. You are in absolute heaven when you find both of those qualities in the same guy/gal. When you are looking for love, a guy/gal who can make you laugh scores points, big time!

Four // you tend to be loyal, dedicated and good-hearted. You are one of the most diligent students when you really try, and you tend to make your schoolwork a priority. You also express those same qualities in your love relationship. No one is more faithful and trusting than you. In fact, those tendencies can be a little negative in your romantic life. You may sometimes hang on too long to a guy/gal who does not give you the respect and love you deserve. You can be stubborn and a bit of a troublemaker if the mood strikes you but you can usually dig yourself out of that hole just in time to stay out of major trouble. You usually fall for extremes when choosing a love mate - he/she may be a show-off or a teacher's pet. Whatever the type, it helps if he/she is good-looking, too, but that is not a major consideration for you.

Five // your love attitude is adventurous, charismatic and spontaneous. You are creative and adaptable, and you can come up with the most exciting and sometimes daring things to do. Your quick intelligence and way with words help get you out of the problems that come with being flirtatious and playing hard to get. You need to pay close attention to your personal values because you love to try new and different things and easily go along with the crowd and the consequences can put extra strain on your relationship with a boy/girl. You like guys/gals who have great body and good looks, along with exceptional brain and high grades. It helps if they are highly athletic or involved in as many activities as you, otherwise you might get bored! Variety is the key to your love attitude number.

Six // you are warm, loving, devoted and affectionate. Your outgoing, thoughtful nature attracts many girlfriends/boyfriends to you, and usually some of the nicest guys/gals too. Because of your need to care, you can end up in a relationship that requires too much care taking to make it balanced. Since home and family play important roles in your life, you are unlikely to be attracted to guys/gals whom your parents would not like. Sometimes you have as light jealous streak... but it does not last long. Some people with this love attitude number are prone to making harsh judgments of others, especially when others do not share your set of values. You are especially attracted to the good looking, boy/girl-next-door type who is smart as well as a gentle man/woman.

Seven // your love nature is thoughtful, poetic, mystical and mysterious. A few people with love attitude number seven are class clowns, and they usually attract guys/gals who like to be given a hard time. However, most of you are the quiet, reserved types who dislike calling attention to yourself. Your type generally attracts guys who feel the same way you do. Your refined, independent and secretive nature is very alluring to certain guys/gals. At times, you can also be somewhat faultfinding and a little demanding in your love relationship and with friends. You are mostly attracted to guys/gals who are not like all the rest; a loner easily attracts you. In addition, if he/she reads a lot and enjoys learning, he/she is especially perfect for you.

Eight // your love attitude is confident, powerful and exciting. This number usually makes for a very conscientious student, someone who puts schoolwork ahead of a social life. However, you enjoyed being a leader among your classmates and will seek positions that enable you to use your leadership skills. Because of this, you can be somewhat intimidating to certain guys/gals. You can also be a little too intense, bossy, and jealous for your own good. Your love match is definitely someone who is smart, handsome, and popular. You like quality over quantity and will usually wait until the guy/gal with the best attributes comes along.

Nine // you have a sophisticated attitude that is also generous and considerate. Your responsible, charitable nature may find you attracting guys/gals who want someone to confide in or who makes them feel secure. At a very young age, you developed the type of personality that makes others feel safe and protected. You will carry these qualities into your adult years and, down the road, you will be a good mom/dad because of them. On the negative side, you can be argumentative and overly emotional, and you usually possess a temper that can make everyone run for cover. ! You like the kind of guy/gal who is responsible and impeccably dressed and has gorgeous eyes and a great body. Charm, wit and (of course) brilliance could make him the perfect guy/gal for you.

Anyway, I found a website that discusses about reading people’s blog. I will link it in my blog entitled “READ ME.” Do read it wor!

Friday, November 26, 2004

…Reflection of Chalet 2004…

In overall, the chalet was very fun. It could be said as one of our last gatherings (403). This year, all of us are secondary four. We are bonded by school, exams, and Co-Circular Activities to keep our friendship going. However, after this last chalet, we will not be as close as the past, if we do not go to the same polytechnic or junior college. This is so called the last chance to cultivate our “bonds.” I felt quite sad after typing out such stuff. I know it may be quite difficult to accept, but it is the truth. Only a small percentage of us can remain good friends even if we do not go to the same polytechnic or junior college.

Disappointingly, some people in our class chose not the join in the last gathering. Everybody was asking for Stanley, wondering why he did not go. Lilia and Rachel, who usually went for most of the chalets in the 03 class years, did not arrive. There were however new additions, like the Zin Mar group, including Xuan Tong, Melissa, and Sharon. In numbers, this year’s chalet increased by 5 è 25 people were present during one of or all the days of the chalet. Compared to 2003, 20 people went to the chalet.

I do not know what to type now. I guess most of us enjoyed a lot, whether is it those who played mahjong a lot and lost quite a lot of money or those who enjoyed the ps2 and arcade games, or those who watched ‘saw’ the movie.

By this time, all of us would be chilling out. However, 403 would be fragmented. We would be going out with so called our clicks or start finding a job.

“Sigh,” I thought. I am now feeling very emotional. Nevertheless, I know life still must go on. My last message to all my friends and 403 people is


I do not know this if it could be fulfilled, but it is one of my dreams…

Thursday, November 25, 2004


Haiyo, I spent solid hours to update the 3 big entries on chalet. Let me now talk about today now…

I feel great today. I did the “rich chocolate banana cake” which the one I introduced to daus and it failed, according to him. For me, the result was okay! The cake does not use fat as the main agent and hence it is very soft loz and does not rise much. It is not like a normal cake but more like a pudding or brownie! Haha. However, it still tastes very good and I enjoyed it a lot. The banana taste is still lingering in my mouth. MMMMmmmMMMmmmmmmmmMMmmmm...
Daus, it looks like you did somewhere wrong in making the cake! Haix…

I had udong noodles for lunch and now feeling hungry… time for dinner! If any new stuff, I will update wor… haha.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

…Chalet Day 3…

When I officially woke up at about 6plus, Kelvin and others like want to go off liao. Daus, Sean, and I also got ready to go off. We took bus back to the terminal and took MRT to go home. When we were waiting for the bus, there were many students in uniform. I know the reason: Today is the release of results to enter the JC three months course. EVEN those who went to chalet planned to go back to school to take the result! What the hell? Haha.

When the train was approaching Clementi, wen long suddenly said he wanted to take 106 home. Since Clementi MRT got 105 bus, I decided to take 105 home. I called Daus and we left at the clementi station. The general feeling was that everyone was very sleepy. I was quite sleepy too. Daus, Sean, Kelvin and chee boon were almost asleep…

I decided to go back to school, as I was disappointed with myself. How could they still go back when they went chalet? Haiyo. I borrowed a PE shirt from seng wang and went back to school. There were quite a lot of people as they were busily preparing for the open house tomorrow. I met ping hui, adam and elias. I found out that 402 also had their chalet loz, but it was held in a mansion. Wow! I really envy them. They each only paid $10. Wow wow kapow.

I took the results slip and realized I am eligible for the three-month course at CI—millennia institute. :) At least, I am eligible for something mahx. I think Kelvin, seng wang, shaiful, and chan tong would be eligible loz. Haha. I contemplated to register but I did not register after all. I did not want to go to CI for 3 months as it wasted lots of time.
I planned to make the rich chocolate banana cake today. However, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep. Hmpf! Look like I will make this tomorrow and prove to daus that my recipe works! Haha :) :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

…Chalet Day 2…

I slept for a while, like about 2 hours or less. Daus slept until 5 plus. Sean and I knew that he needed to go to the mosque, as it was a Friday. Sean therefore woke him up. He was very tired loz. A group of us slept while mahjong continued until about 4 plus to 5 plus. Sherwin changed the ps2 game and instead of the soccer game, it was a game of fighting. That game was simply so fun! Although I was lousy (I always lose games), I liked the magical powers and the characters. It was simply so groovy! We played the game until about 8am and we went to have our breakfast.

Sean ate Burger King but Daus and I ate sausage Mac muffin student set meal. It was great as I get to have a cup of tea/coffee and a hash brown! The rewards programme was not working. The special corner pasted the notice “not available” I was quite sad, as I could not redeem the free food. :(

We went back to chalet room and daus and I played a new game using the mahjong pieces. We used the pieces to construct a building or words. Sean suddenly appeared and it became a war-like game, involving the attack of mahjong pieces using a die. It was fun, although daus won the game. We all went to play arcade at the place there. Payment is used using the tapZ card. The arcade games are expensive as some reach $1 and above per play. Sean played a game resembling king of fighters and I played that too. After that, daus also played a game that resembled that but that particular one looked easier to play. Sean helped him and they managed to go through many levels. Daus and Sean played shooting games while I watched. Sean suddenly saw the soccer game that involves the kicking of a particular ball-like thing in. It was difficult to kick as the mechanism to kick is very poor. One needs to kick very hard to push it in. I also helped. I realized how difficult it was to kick it. Haha. Sean said it was “nonsense.” It was quite thrilling, although.

We went to chalet room to prepare to cycle. Daus and Sean thought I would be fun. I could not cycle, but I decided to try it. Of course, cycling cannot be so easily learnt, especially for a slow learner like me. We rented two bicycles—one with 2 pedals and seats while another one seat (mountain bike). The two-person bicycle is very fun. I could feel the breeze against me while riding. Of course, Daus is the one controlling the stuff. Daus and I rode quite fast but wen long (alone) was little slow. We had to wait for him as he just learnt to ride a bike recently. I was enjoying it but something dampen my spirits—rain. The sky was not listening to us and it began to rain by drizzle. We were quite far from downtown east, and therefore, when we reached the place, we were dripping wet. The rain became heavier and heavier loz. Sean seemed to have disappeared as he cycled somewhere down to somewhere else. I waited at the bicycle-renting place while daus went to find wen long. He could not find him. I was feeling quite worried loz. It was lucky that he managed to find his way back ;). We went back to the chalet room to dry ourselves and bathe. Sean bathed first, followed by Daus and lastly me. I was quite sleepy by that time as it was early afternoon. I was lying on the bed lazily and looking at the people playing mahjong and ps2.

When it was two plus in the afternoon, daus suddenly asked me to go out, as he was feeling hungry. We went to Californian hotdog or something like that to eat. The fast food restaurant was very quiet loz, as it was not very popular. Anyway, the food tasted great. It is just that it is not gaining a lot of popularity due to the rivals—long john, McDonald’s and KFC. Daus told me that the fries resembled the old times, which was when we had swimming lessons at sec 1 or 2—the shop that sells some food there. I still could remember how most of us enjoyed the fries and how popular it was. The bus driver for the transport back to school had to wait for the people as we hurry to buy the fries. Haha.

When we went back to chalet, daus seemed to be kinda sad about not being able to go to mosque to do the afternoon prayers. He said he wanted to go out for a while and went off. Sean was playing the soccer game while I watched Wendy and boon how play cards. I rested and slept for a while on bed. I heard voices of telling someone the details of our chalet. I found out that zin mar was coming. Haha. Very soon zin mar came eating a sundae. She looked at us with a funny face and then chatted with all of us. She began playing cards with boon how and Wendy. Xuan tong, Melissa, and sharon also came and by that time, it was time for BBQ.

Ah wang, and others went to buy the additional BBQ stuff like the charcoal and tongs. Zong jie, chin cheng also came. I was preparing the corns by taking out the leaves and spreading them with margarine and wrapping them in foil. Seng wang sent the message of closing the chalet for a while as the BBQ is starting and for security purposes. When the charcoal is being prepared, it started to RAIN! Why? Ah… I felt quite disappointed. We brought all the food upstairs and within minutes, the rain started to stop. Hmpf! Kelvin and some others went to play pool while I was left in the room. Lifeng and Claire also came. I brought down the food, since yongxun told me that the BBQ is resuming.

Overall, the BBQ was not too bad. The charcoal kept on having problems… But it was fun though. Shao lin, wang lin and friends came for the BBQ also. They bought lots of food for us. There was suddenly a lot of new food. Seng wang bought too much foods of the same kind loz—chicken wings and crabstick. Haiyo.

I went upstairs and saw Shaiful and ming qi playing the ps2 soccer game. I sat around and waited for daus and sean to come back (they went to the beach). We play the street fighter game again. It was very fun. I managed to win a match. :) It was very rare as I did not even won for once. Haha. I was simply too tired. After some matches, I dozed off and slept.

Monday, November 22, 2004

…Chalet Day 1…

Haha… the chalet was quite great. I enjoyed quite a lot let me recount what happened on the first day…

Daus and I reached the chalet at about 9 plus 10 plus. We met at our usual bus stop and went there. Daus also brought his new mp3 player. It simply looked gorgeous. It cost $99 only! I feel so disappointed with myself. I should have gone to the Creative exhibition. I was too mouldy at that time then. Haix…

Sean was wearing the cap he bought from Far East and with the badge on. He proudly told us that he sewed it himself. :) Hehe. He also did not put on gel or wax. Hence, he looked different. Actually, I feel that without his wax, he looked still okay, and it is not as crappy as he always described to me.

Shun hai, yongxun, seng Wang, Sherwin, Ming qi, avan, Alvin, Chan tong, Kelvin, chee boon, boon how and Wendy were there. (Still could remember so vividly :)) Ming qi, yongxun, and Sherwin were playing soccer on ps2 while the others were playing mahjong. Wendy was the watcher, as she looked at the others play. The soccer they were playing was quite great, but I did not like it a lot, as it looked quite complicated. Hence, I watched the others play.

We were getting restless; hence, we went out to Cheers to buy some food to eat. Daus seemed to be hungrier. I think he did not eat dinner ah. He was busying uploading his songs into the player. This uploading thing delayed about an hour, as initially, we wanted to meet at 7 pm. Haha. We bought drinks, food, and snacks and walked to the beach. We talked about a lot of stuff. It included our lives, ghost stories etc. It was kind of fun as Sean began to talk about a story about me and how I fought with an enemy and how I became the hero who won the battle of love. We were giggling as we walked back to the chalet room. When we came back, the others were still playing with their stuff. We also sat there to watch them play the games.

It was about 1 plus 2 plus am. Daus suddenly asked me want to go out a not. We tried to sleep at somewhere outside but it did not work. Since we were thirsty, we went back to Cheers to buy the Freezy drink. I mixed the flavours while daus took iced coffee. We went back to chalet and continued to look at the people play while I attempted to sleep. I could not sleep that well as the people playing mahjong were very noisy, especially when they reshuffle the mahjong pieces.

I was listening to Kelvin’s mp3 player and it was a marvel. His play list is a rojak. It is a nice combination of love songs, rock songs and Chinese songs. I could not believe that he has 210 songs in his player! I was listening and listening to it. It is simply so enjoyable. I really must give the credit to him, as he lent me the mp3 player. Sean suddenly told me he wanted to listen Kel’s while I listen his. I listened to his but I realized that Sean’s song track lasted very long. One track could be as long as four minutes. I was very tired when the 17 songs ended.

THREE cheers for the end of exams...

since it is so Christmasly, the three cheers are....




O Level Science (Physics/Chemistry) Paper 1

Haha haha... hahahaha...


finally, i can get to enjoy life again... Life was hard, as everyday were worries and more worries.. Today's paper is another great 1 loz..., I am so glad that for chemistry, exidation and reduction did not come out yay! Quite a few were organic chem questions, but they were easy to answer... :)

Daus, Sean, Irwan and i went to opposite mama shop to buy food and drinks. Then it was a very funny sight loz. I was buying a bun with ikan bilis. After i bought the bread, i suddenly heard Daus' scream. He was very frightened of a DOG that was following him. That dog was very tame and cute lah. He was chasing after daus since he ran. It was SUCH a hilarious sight... should have filmed it all down :):):):). Later, we took MRT to Orchard since they wanna buy stuff from far east plaza.

It was too early lahx, so most shops were still closed. We went ot a hobby that sells model plane. It was closed but there were some models outside the showcase. We talked a lot then we decided to have BK for lunch or something loz. Daus, Sean and irwan had the student's meal, which is only 3.90. But the meat is BEEF! I cant eat that and in the end, i did not eat BK loz. i went to 7-Eleven to buy a burger [ramily fish burger] for lunch. The rest ate BK while i ate the food loz.

We went to lots of places loz... including 77th street, and shops that sell lots of stuff. Daus bought a cap and a necklance. sean bought a cap with a badgeof sex pistols to sew in. I was quite interested at first. However, as time went on, i was feeling bored loz. Even wenlong and daus noticed that.. haha.. We went home by 143... The bus trip was soooooo long! It took something like 1 hour to reach jurong east. we could have take 105 which wasm uch faster loz. The bus passed by Chinatown, Pasir Pajang and West coast. Finally, it reached JE. We went to library to return the AV materials sean and daus borrowed. Daus photocopied some stuff on downtown east.. hmmm

When we wanna go home, i thought i wanted to go to boon lay interchange loz. There is freebies as when one buy newspaper (wan bao), you get to have a free bread! It is the red bean one (new flavour). Daus and people dont want me to go loz, so sean came out 50 cents, Daus also 50 cents, and irwan 20 cents... Being touched by their kindness, i bought the bread from NTUC, which is $1.65... Haix... i just came back.. watched some TV and now typing this entry.. Chatted to zongjie, hazel and yinboon online.

For tonight, i will be going to chalet with daus... haha... hope it will be fun... hehe...

Sunday, November 21, 2004

…wanna do list…

Since wen long has did a wanna do list, I think it would be fun to think of that too. Haha. Let me attempt to brainstorm what I am going to do this holidays…

  1. Watch TV
  2. Play with my leader of stuffed toy family—Furry bear
  3. Go out with friends [I think I will crap with them loz, and perhaps watch movies?]
  4. Work
  5. Go online and update my blog, and perhaps change a new skin…
  6. Chalet [22 nov to 24 nov]
  7. play computer games or meet with friends to play soccer
  8. Use money earned from work to buy a digital camera or a mp3 player
  9. Get a girlfriend [cannot be lah, I can’t imagine one day if Sean or daus call up and ask me wanna go out to walk walk but I have to tell them I have to accompany my girlfriend… wowie…]
  10. Spring-cleaning [too many books hiding here and there… must pack up…]

Ok ok, ten is enough. I hope I could achieve most of them loz... hehe… anyway, I was busy yesterday preparing chemistry and physics. Chemistry I finished up by early afternoon and physics by night. Today, I will do the other school exam papers. Yesterday was ten-year-series loz… After this paper, I will definitely chill out and cheer. I will be going to chalet loh. Hehe.

…secret treasures…

Let me introduce my secret treasures of my stuffed toy family. These stuffed toys were hidden inside my cupboard. Hence, I do not really know them very well. Therefore, there is no leader either. Haha. Most of them are given by my aunt…

  1. Huge doggie [it is very fat and huge and it holds a funny plastic toy]
  2. Tara-panda [This one looks like a real panda! Except that this panda is a smaller version…Its body is not stuffed with cotton loz, and it is stuffed with some that is very hard and heavy…]
  3. Mother Kangaroo [this kangaroo is named a mother one as it has a baby one at its pocket!]
  4. CNY Goofy [This one seems to have came from McDonald’s. I think it was bought when we buy the extra value meal…
  5. Weirdo Zebra [Well, it looks weird and old. It’s eyes like there’s two tiny straight lines and hardly can be seen]
  6. Sunglass bear [This bear wears a sunglass and flowery clothes]
  7. Blue elephant [This toy looks cute. I like its floppy ears…]
  8. Miss rat [ this rat dresses up with a flowery dress and a funny cap… hmmm]
  9. crabbie [This crab I still could remember it was a free gift for playing games at the pasar malam. It writes there Christmas island resort on its body]

Haha, there are only 9 creatures hidden in my closet loz. It is so great to have so many stuffed toys at home….

Friday, November 19, 2004

O Level Principles of Accounts (Revised) Paper 1

:) :) :) Heyhey… I feel so great today. I know how to do the POA paper 1 today loz. All the particulars have been printed and it looked fun. Hehe. I must really thank all my teachers – Mrs. Ang and Kelly Tan. I managed to do finish the paper in half an hour! Haha. Lucky also. I checked my answers and I found about 5 mistakes! It was so lucky that I was able to make the changes loz. I really hope I can do very well for poa, at least B3 or A2 loz… I would be so happy that I could cry. Mrs. Ang and Mrs. Kelly Tan are two great teachers. Mrs. Ang, although she left our school liao, I managed to get her hand phone number. Therefore, I always message her any query I have. She will always be patiently answering my questions. I recently also sent her a 10 MCQ “scratch head” questions. She tried her best attempt to explain to me such that I understand. :) Mrs. Tan is also very good teacher. For 1 year, she taught us POA and came back to teach us during the 1 week study-yourself break. All these great teachers made me feel so happy loz. Haha.

Sean, irwan, and I went to McDonald’s to eat. We ate breakfast meals and registered the reward thingy, like what daus did… I had hotcakes while irwan had Double fillet-o-fish and Sean had a Mac muffin :) I was like very cross with irwan loz. He started taking salt, pepper and added to my additional free cup of coffee that I was drinking. I was really pissed off, as coffee is not meant to have salt and pepper in it! Hmpf! I was angry but I still drank finish the coffee. Sean hid my hash brown and said he ate it. He also claimed that the hash brown was his. They were also commenting in the way I ate the hotcakes. Haiz .. What is wrong with the world mama?

For those who are chilling out now, CONGRATULATIONS! Lol. I envy 401 and 402 loz, exam over liao. I still have to study this weekend to finish up with the last paper—Science Paper 1. I think I will study Chem. today and Physics tomorrow. Sunday will be the overall revision. I hope the sc paper would be great too !!

O Level Principles of Accounts (Revised) Paper 2

Today ah... I woke up at around 8 plus. I suddenly saw a message “what only” sent by sariza. I was very sleepy still. Hence, I replied that I was still in bed. Then sariza woke me up by messaging that the birds are awake so I should be awake too. Lol. I was giggling when I saw that. I continued revision of POA as the exam would be in the afternoon loz. Hmmmm

The paper was not too bad. I am somehow disappointed with myself, as I could not balance Q4, the one on final accounts! As for the rest, I just hope for the best loz :)

Daus was not in school and we were like feeling weird without an important person. Haha. I followed Sean, irwan, malik, faiz, and anymore? (Cannot remember liao) to go to the mama shop opposite the school. The Malays were eating instant noodles while Sean did not buy in the end as he told me he was determined to save for an mp3 player.

Irwan and I went home loz, chatting about this and that… Now like very late going to sleep liao. I was a bit feverish. I took panadol extra and I became well again. Well, afternoon papers tend to be more tiring. I just practiced the other school and Mr. Lee’s compiled set of questions. I find it very useful ;) Now have to sleep. Goodnight!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

O Level Combined Humanities Paper 2 (Elective Geography), Food and Nutrition Paper 2

Wakakaka…Today got 2 papers. When I reached home, I changed and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up only at about 7.45pm loz. My hands and legs somehow feel quite sore. I do not know the reason. Anyway, it was a tiring day.

Elective geography was quite okay. I tried a new strategy in doing the paper. I did section b, which is half of the paper first. Then I do section a, the map reading and agriculture/industry question. I was disappointed that OIL PALM came out! I was upset. I learnt so hard for other kinds of agriculture questions like aeroponics, hydroponics, wet rice, and plantation agriculture, but NONE came out :(!! Haiz... In the end, I did the technology question. Section B I did tourism question as usual. I hope things go well loz. That is all…

Daus, Sean, Zongjie, and I initially wanted to have lunch at McDonald’s. There were many people there. We could not find an empty table at all. :( Daus later said want to go KFC. However, I feel that it is still quite far and it wastes a lot of time. We instead went to Banquet for lunch. Daus, sean and zong jie ate mee rebus. I took nasi lemak. It was not too bad, only $2.50 only. Ha-ha. Sean and I ate prata as a side dish while daus and zong jie ate MacDonald takeaway (claiming of points) of double cheese burger. We went back to school and realized that the fnn people were all studying :) So guai! We also continued our fnn revison in school…

The Fnn paper was not too bad, but I encountered TWO major gross problems. Firstly, I could not remember the functions of carbohydrate except for 1 – For all bodily activities. I have forgotten about its function as a dietary fibre!!!! AH….. I also forgot it as a valuable source of stored energy! I am very angry with my self…lost 2 marks liao… The second problem is I did not study well the raising agents’ question. As a result, chances of getting the full 5 mark is very low. I sort of crapped some story up. I hope the examiner can like be nice and give me 2 to 3 marks :) Hmmmm….

Now eh? I am studying POA loz… I have only 3 papers left. Gotta cheer when it ends. … Must revise liao.. Poa is a potential subject to get good marks wor. Sean gonna get A1. Alvin, Lifeng and CT too. Haha!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


I am sad to say that i have been punk'd! Lifeng cheated me as he thought the stuff he put in his pigoen hole is what i wanted! It was lucky that i messaged mr salleh and asked him if he really got put a not. I was like walking near 202, a coffee shop near house. I was already on the way and mr salleh finally replied that he did not put the answer scheme afterall. :( I was like soooooo angry loz. I called wang lin and broke the news to her... Cannot help her take the stuff liao... haiz... Went home... and now? Typing this thingy loz haha! :)

…shocking changes and lightning smses…

I was surprised last night loz. Suddenly, after I bathed, was about to go to sleep soon, ms siti messaged me. Haiyo!!! She told me that she needed to go to see her doctor tomorrow at KKH. I was thinking it means tomorrow got no lessons. :) :) ?

I was feeling old and sleepy and had to spend 10 to 12 messages to send to all the fnn people. These smses were to tell them fnn was cancelled. However, I encouraged them to go back to school to take the notes, and exam papers that were printed by ms siti. I am not sure whether the girl group—wang Lin, Wendy and jie ling will come back to take the valuable notes. I actually personally called them yesterday loz.

Haiz. Just one tiny sms could change my life. Fnn is cancelled and hence, I shall continue more of my geog or I restart fnn. Sean asked me whether want to go library as he wanted to return books. Suddenly I realized that my hair like very long loz. Needs some cut. I therefore going to cut and curl later, then later meet Sean. Lol :)

Another shock: Mr Salleh finally put something in his pigeon hole : elect geog answer scheme! Haiyo.. got to go back to school liao. I am going to help wang lin and wendy to take fnn notes and take the ans for myself and sean...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

…disappointment and mistaken identity…

It is like very weird. I am quite cross with myself loz. I forgot that today is a special day – Hari Raya. Hence, I decided to cut my hair at about 5pm. I was really shocked when I found out that the salon is closed! I called my mum and she told me that the salon closes earlier when it is a public holiday. Hmpf!

I continued my trip to NTUC fairprice to buy some stuff from marigold—Jellies and puddings… YUM! Haha I also bought my favourite yoghurt drink. Again got barcode, can take part in contest (5566 one). Yay. Ok, I went to a counter to pay. However, the one in front of me seems to be buying many things. The couple keep on adding more and more new stuff. Haiyo… have to wait liaoz. Suddenly, I saw a nearby counter that is empty :D Haha. I quickly switched to this counter. At first, everything was normal. Suddenly, after she gave me the free gift of two mugs, she suddenly smiled and asked me if I am 22 years old. NO? I thought. How can I be 22 liao? Haha : ) she said I resemble her son’s friend loz. Hah. She’s quite a nice cashier lahx. Nevertheless, it’s really weird to know that someone looks like me… I can’t imagine one day if I see someone looking like me!!! Hehe. It is like. Hmmmmmm………

...Hari Raya...

:) Today's entry will be the kind of well wishing thing loz :) Yesterdae my 3rd aunt and uncle came to my house... Haha gave the wedding invitation of my cousin and cake. my cousin came too... They stayed my house for a while... still got a few more cakes to send to. Haha :) Wahaha... my cousin getting married liao like so fast 6 Dec wor.. haha :)

Ok, Here's my greetings to all fellow Muslim friends that i know


-Ms/Mdm Siti
-Mr Roy
-Mr Salleh
-Ms Dalina
-Mr Kamal

Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri!!!!!!

Saturday, November 13, 2004 stuffed toy family....

Ok, suddenly, I realized that have a lot of stuffed toy at home. Of course, it is not like thousands or hundreds lah. It is just 14 only. Ha-ha. I realized that all of us have our roots and origins. It is like my stuffed toys too. Today, I shall unleash the best creature award and hence will be the leader of the soft toys J

Let me briefly describe how my soft toys landed at my bedroom….

1. Furry Bear [ from tom and Stephanie at tiong baru plaza. I still could remember the cashier thinking that I wanted to buy it for my girlfriend. Haha. Perhaps should have given it to ying xian loz (just joking) ]

2. Baby Fur [ from tom and Stephanie west mall. This one is a smaller version of furry bear and it looks damn cute]

3. Christmas fur [ he he, bought it during Christmas. Shop n save was having a promotion of buying $20 and above.. Then can buy it at a special price. I bought it loz. It is sooo big that it is very nice to cuddle. Its legs have some kind of beanbag in it, so it feels heavy ]

4. Christmas bear [ this one was bought at Watson’s at clementi. I still could remember asking the personnel to wrap it up for the fun and laughter… This one wears a Christmas scarf and cap. It looks like some kind of display bear on the shelves loz. ]

5. Simba the lion [ ok this one is the reason why my username of a neopets account is simbascute. At some point in time, I loved this creature a lot. Haha That time not so many toys mahx. This one I think it was given by my aunt…]

6. Baby bear [ this bear looks really worn out! It somewhat like comforted me when I was in sec 2 loz, very cute creature too. It was a birthday present given by my friend – Kiat Tat. Wah… like very long ago loz ]

7. Snoopy the dog [ another gift by kiat tat or my aunt. Cannot remember? ]

8. Bunny Na [ I was really appalled when I found out that The 9 year old girl Wang na went missing liked this particular toy! I named her bunny Na as in memory of her… I got it from NTUC. There was a sort of like promotion loz, like half price or something like that. Its hands, one of them could play the song lullaby… the song like makes one sleep ]

9. Hippo-Trumpet [ This one seems to be given by my aunt… it has a tiny trumpet affixed to its mouth]

10. Little bear (red) [ given by my auntie ]

11. Little bear (brown) [ given by my auntie ]

12. Smiley Dragon [ this one is the symbol of giant loz, the smiley dragon. It was given when we shopped a lot ]

13. Tiny mermaid [ oh dear, I have no idea how it appeared in my room! ]

14. Hang-ten bear [ ah ha, this bear was bought when we purchased a lot loz at hang ten . It was Chinese new year festive period ]

I am happy to announce that……………………………………………………………

FURRY BEAR is the winner! He is the most intelligent and sensible creature and is my favorite toy!!! He is going to the one that lead the stuffed toy family to greater heights! I feel so happy for him :D garbette

Friday, November 12, 2004

...bombing pearl harbour?...

ok... to keep it short today, we got fnn. I called for daus and we went to school together. Daus was like not too happy with me as the recipe DID NOT turn out well :( Haix.. dont know why. Anyway, i know that the recipes are usually successful and i am going to prove to him that it works! I am going to prove him wrong loz, after the exams. Haha. Hmmm

We were late for school! When i reached school, i saw the whole lot of people i know in the basketball court. Haiyo. Waiting for me :( Anyway, Mrs lee teaching quite good loz... trying to make her lesson interesting. She said you go toilet to pass faeces is like bombing pearl harbour! :D :P hehez:)

I went to see mrs tan to take answers and also ask her some stuff. She was like teaching Eric and leaving me all alone :( Haix.. Until i managed to get her attention, she gave me the answers i wanted...asked sean to come in to the staff work room loz... we discussed poa together also...

Ok lahx... got to study liaox :)(:

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Happy Deepavali!

Ok, today's is deepavali day. It is a public hol and hence, i wanna wish all hindus a HAPPY Deepavali!

Hmmm today i did the poa mcqs, the ones prepared by mr lee h w... I checked the answers and realised how pertatic my poa is haix.... must brush up wor! Ah...... sent mrs ang a whole lot of qns... very scary... Mrs ang like very poor thing... ans slowly by sms.. haix

Today ah.. early in the morn i started to send reminders of fnn for tml. I had to call the girls up as i realised the girls are not interested to go. Talked to wendy for 2 min and she said 50-50 chance. Wanglin said yes :) Jieling said yes:) lilia phone spoilt:( rachel seems to avoid me :( I wasted my time on them !!! Hah! Nvm loz.. had just dont care about them. Tomorrow is the only chance for them to take the notes and exam papers ms siti gave. It is their problem loz. i tried my best...

Haha. just sent a 10Q on poa to mrs ang. Gotta meet mrs tan tml for poa.. ahhhhhh.......

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I dont undertand people nowadays loz. always get the wrong ideas... Today also something weird happened. It was like i know a girl called Evelyn through irc (loooooooooong time ago) JUst friend friend loz.. then she like smsed me for help in like what chapters your friends are studying as she study history while i dont. I decided to ask irwan and it resulted in him getting the wrong ideas... hmpf !

Haiyo... today start doin exam papers -- POA
Started eastspring loz... I really hope when i go beck to school on Fri, i can meet Mrs Kelly tan loz... want to have to answers to compare... So tiring.. revising concepts... tml will revise by doin MCQs liao...

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

O Level Science (Chemistry)

Today's chem was like weird lahx... the CPE wrote chem as " chemestry "... like very weird huh . I sat quite in front as this 1 is the new arrangement for comb science. I am quite happy today as chem was not too bad. Haha. I could do sect B, which is the essay questions. For section, i managed to understand most of the qns :) :) Hope that will get good marks. hehe

When we were going home, irwan suddenly met his old frenz. Hence, he began to talk and talk to him. Daus and i told me about something great : Creative sale. He told me that there is a sale soon at creative! Then, the sale would have a mp3 player at a incredible price of $ 99 ! haha. The didital camera would also be $ 299 or something like that. At first, i did not want to buy as it is still quite expensive. However, after his reasoning and persuasion, i was quite convinced loz hmmm.....

I drew up a plan how i will study the coming o lvl exams in the next 7 days. Here is as follows:

3 days: POA
2 days: F & N
2 days: Geog

WED THURS FRI will be spent on poa,
SAT SUN will be on FN
and MON TUES geog.

Haix Fri must go back to school for FNN-- mrs violet lee giving us lessons on digestion and things like that... FNN for today cancelled, ms khasturi not free.. haix nvm lahx studying ends on 22 nov yay!

...Later i and daus went to the lib. Daus called me ah... making me feel mysterious...Daus was like asking me for recipes. Haha. must be preparing for hari raya! I gave him a recipe called the rich chocolate banana cake. Hope it is successful wor. Anyway, the recipe was actually from a television programme from taiwan loz call sweet desserts tasty food of sth like that. I went to lib and registered to work part time as a trainee library assistant! I really hoped that NLB will recruit me loz.

It started to rain outside. haha. I also managed to persuade daus to reserve a book on vespa:) We went to the 4th floor-- verging all teens section. It was like sort of quiet loz. perhaps for a lot of people. Sch has already stopped (holidays) not like me and the ones taking o level this year. hence, the library was old and quiet. We went downstairs and by that time, the rain has stopped. Yippee!

We went to the red man shop to buy daus' groceries. There were HUGE packets of chocolate rice. I wish i could buy one packet home and play with it by throwing at each other. I cant imagine how fun it can get :) We also went to shop and save. I bought a newbie icecream from 'president' $1.99 only!. We went NTUC and i bought some funnie weid cola called planet cola. I cant imagine if one day i am in a planet like that. Every body survives on cola. Food will have cola added, cakes biscults must have certain content of cola. How weirs things can get man? hahaI also bought the yogurt drink by marigold. Got $2 off to buy album of 5566 eh. I think i should pass the barcodes to melissa. Hehe. Daus bought chocolate, bananas, and fresh cream for the cake he wanted to make. Haha. After that we took 105 home loz... the bus wasl ike very crowded. since i carried heavy stuff, i just sat near the entrance of the bus. Haha:)

When it was like 9 ++ pm suddenly lilia called me loz, giving me a good shock. She wanted to cheat a person as she did not want to let him/her know where she lived. So she cheated by saying she lived in bukit batok. Haiyo. Then now she wanna some help as ther person is bugging her for some specific details. I resorted to calling sean, asking him for his addr. haha... like so funny. Lilia sounded relieved when i managed to like tell her some addr. Haha.. good old sean, help me and lilia wor. still a good friend :) But i was just thinking :

weird people nowadays....


I dont undertand people nowadays loz. always get the wrong ideas... Today also something weird happened. It was like i know a girl called Evelyn through irc (loooooooooong time ago) JUst friend friend loz.. then she like smsed me for help in like what chapters your friends are studying as she study history while i dont. I decided to ask irwan and it resulted in him getting the wrong ideas... hmpf !

Haiyo... today start doin exam papers -- POA
Started eastspring loz... I really hope when i go beck to school on Fri, i can meet Mrs Kelly tan loz... want to have to answers to compare... So tiring.. revising concepts... tml will revise by doin MCQs liao...

Monday, November 08, 2004

O Level Mathematics Paper 2

:(((((((((( haix... to day's maths ah.. i feel really sad loz.. It is the first time that i stare at the " circlely" question, asking me to find angle de.. dont know how to do at all ( I usually know how to do loz!) I only know like 1 part loz... I feel really miserable. How? 9 marks flew away liao. With some review of the questions, i realised i have 15 marks of questions potentially gone :'(... Haix.. bo pian.. rely on the others liaoz I really hope p1 and the other questions will pull up. Then, I will cheer like crazy....

Today did not follow sean, yongxun, chantong and others to eat loz... really feeling moody loz... :( Went home with daus and malays.) Daus was like busily talking to them and i was getting really bored. Suddenly i saw mun ying. I approached her and we had a small chat. Mun ying like kind of girl that is like hmmmm interesting loz, like hazel :) Haha. It did liven my spirits and later, me rain, irwan, and daus took 98 then changed 333 to go home... Daus wanted to like have to battle of snake bite even when we reached toh guan, but i did not want to pursue.. and went home.

Had instant noodles (Sam Yang Spicy Mushroom) for lunch. Now studying for chem... die die must memorise! haha. Heard That my cousin is marrying next month (3 dec) Wowie... will be present in the hotel n stuff... i think i will need to make myself formal and things like that. Haha :)

Sunday, November 07, 2004


Do you have a dream?

I also not sure either. There was one day i listened to radio very late at night. It was like i was just scannig around and i happened to chance upon a radio station from malaysia. It was like quite interesting as the Dj was talking about the subject dreams. It was like 2am ++ so i was really sleepy. The Dj was like very enthusiastic, telling about dreams that one will have . She said that when we were very small kids, like p1, p2, we would want to be a teacher. We feel as a teacher, we would be able to teach the masses and be well respected........

When we grow older, about p 5 p6, we would prefer to become a lawyer or engineer loz. This would be the phenomenon loz as lawyers are known to earn lots of money and are well respected. We of course, would want to be like them

When we reach our teenage years, we would want to be a movie star or actor or actress. We enjoy the attention that is given to them and you know, they keep taking pictures of you. You feel proud. You feel popular.

So what do you think? What are your dreams then? Haha. I think this kind of thinking is quite logical loz... Very interesting! :)

Friday, November 05, 2004

Fnn and fun stuff.. + BIRTHDAY:D.

Today we got fnn loz ( Food and Nutrition ) Supplementary. Miss siti was like shocked when she reached the IT resource room loz. She saw only me, zong jie and alvin. Haha. In fact, i was the first who reached there. Feeling so bored, i called sean to ask him when he was reaching school. I realised that he was meeting daus and yongxun... hmpf, and also, he said he will be late... I would all alone then, i thought. It was lucky that zong jie and alvin came... then talked about exams... Alvin seemed to be very confident. Maybe he will win seng wang? Haha:) I will be really shocked loz. But to be frank, alvin is really quite an intelligent guy, like one one the prodigies-- YongXun.. Ms siti, talked a lot about health problems. Making me feel a bit bored. But hey, this subj is really important. i already had half the battle over-- coursework. I feel that if i could finish up this subj with an A, I will be so happy that i will jump:)

Later, yongxun and chantong wanna eat lunch. Hence, he asked us wanna follow along a notx. Daus dont want to go!!!! Sean was like hmmm not too happy then we declined their offer. later, we went to CD rama (central) to have lunch. Daus like wanna go home. It was like i had to pull then he go loz. How sad. haha its ok lahx.. Then i wanna buy a new disc by power 98. tHey compiled some tracks from the 90s to today.. I found 1 entitled power hits. There was like very weird song there. Even sean could not recognise the songs... I realised that this disc was marketed by EMI not sony.. Huh? I was scratching my head until suddenly i saw the one i wanted -- POWER Tracks haha:) I think i shall buy this album using my voucher that i got for best in Fnn and poa (last yr 2003). Haha feeling great. Sean and later went to JE entertainment. We ate the buddy meal for that dunnoe wat thai chicken. It was not too bad:) The skin got the lemon grass smell. We strolled around JE entertaiment while sean pour most of his coke into my cup. We so called like share e same cup loz... Went home continue to study E maths and Chem. Really hope that this time, the chem exam, would not be so difficult. For e maths, i wish i could finish every question, not facing time management problems... Hope i can meet these goals..

....Anyway, this day is also ZONG JIE's birthdaY! haha!!! Happy birthday wor zong jie... I sent sms to him and also wished him that morniing when we had our fnn loz... hahaz :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

O level Mathematics Paper 1

Ok. Today's paper was not too bad ah huh... Everybody were smiling when walking out of the exam hall haha. I feel quite happy too. Finally, cambridge wanted to make us feel happier. However, I feel that easier paper also spells TROUBLE... yah. Why? That might me the thoughts of yours. Haha. Because since it is easier, it means that those in the prestigious schools would be scoring very high, like 90++. What about me, the weird guy who is not so good in maths? hmmm i think i will be thrown so somewhere low... haix... then A1 qould be like 80/100 and things like that loz... After that, daus, sean and i went home...took e same bus as kelvin. Haha, daus' and mine bus (333) came first then sean's(157) hehe:)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

O Level English Revised Paper 1 and 2, Combined Science (Physics) Paper 1

Aiyo... today got sooooooooooooooo many papers! When i reached home, i was already mouldy.

Today's English got a few surprises. I was shocked that paper 1 was not a information sheet, brochure or report. Instead, it was the good old original letter writing! Haha looks like Ms Dalina was wrong then. However, what was true was that the part 2's additional information was about 1 page long. Hence, we needed a longer time to digest the information. I chose the task on Should both parents work when the child is very young loz.... I was not able to think of a nice plot to discuss about if i wrote on the quarrel of mistaken idendity loz, since ms dalina actually strongly recommended me to do personal recount... Comprehension wise, i was quite lost in the Zang compre loz... but mostly, i think it should be quite okay. i still hope for the best...:)

Since the malays were fasting, daus and others did not follow us to lunch. Sean and I met Chuan and asked him whether want to go a not. He said he wanted to go, but he wanted to go to Yunnan. Haha. Dont get mistaken. It is not the hair growing centre for those with hair problems. It is a bookshop. He wanted to buy stationary loz... Meng how, Jun long and kok wee also followed along. We went to the 500 + market for lunch. All of us, besides jun long, had mixed dishes rice for lunch. I realised how cheaty that stall was! Egg was more expensive in the past but now not! This stall stll charges 50 cents extra for choosing egg as one of the side dish.:( After that i saw ah wang and others group drinking bubble tea. Chuan then told me that pearls are dangerous as one could choke.. Haha must be careful wor! Sean later said he wanted to eat fish balls from 7-Eleven. So we went there loz... Haha.. Helped him to pay the fish balls. After that, we went back to to school to prepare for physics. Talked to mingqi and yong xun about the English papers, and also doing the last minute physics revisons

Physics was not too bad loz. But ah, i noticed that there were some questions that needed more thinking or twisting around. i was cheat by a few questions. haiz... i know that i got 1 wrong liaox, which is the speed of light in vacuum/air and medium. I thought that
speed of light in medium / speed of light in vacuun(air) = refractive index IT IS WRONG WRONG!!!!
the correct answer is speed of light in vacuum(light) / speed of light in medium = refractive index...
The heat/thermometer question i attempted i don't know some qns :( For some reason or so, my theory about electromagnetic induction was gone:( I could not remember how to explain! Therefore, i did questions on heat and sound. For the rest, some were SO easy! haha. The radioactivity qn was like simple maths loz... aiyo... really. I personally think Cambridge purposely want to set some questions to make us think lox. Hmmmm the weather conditions were bad during the exam. It was raining really heavily. Mr Chua and other teacher start to close the doors/gates. I was so heavy that water droplets from the roof top start to sprinkle down! At first, the CPE was like asking us to move to the centre of the hall. However, no one wanted to move as it wasted time. Hehe. So until when it was quite bad, the CPE announced us to move to the centre, giving us extra 5 minutes. :) Everyone started to move and hey hey-- it was dry inside! This really mysterious loz... hmmm... I could see the lighning, like the ones i see in movies. It look damn fierce lozx... The thunder was scary too...

When I reached home, i was very tired. I was like so tired that i could not start any maths paper 1 papers loz... My body was aching all over, I did only a little bit revisions and went to sleep lioazx... ahX... this is the recount of yesterday.. :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

O Level Combined Humanities Paper 1 (Social Studies)

hey is another new day... a new fresh day... a complicated day with just an exam-- O level student

I was mouldy when i woke up at 6.30... haiz.. today exam... very like ermx nervous loz... brought hankerchief along... hoping that the chapters i throughly studied came out...

When i was walking the overhead bridge, something caught my eye... It was a 99 bus!!!! AHz! This is so infuriating! I missed a bus. I was listening my walkman as usual, enjoying the interesting dJs and exciting music...

Luckily, the next bus came quite fast. Wow wow kapow... the bus was empty. Perhaps secondary school has closed, that explains why... I sat in the bus, looking around, saw lots of students, wearing long pants===> must be secondary 4 students... born same year, take the o levels! Haha...

When i reached school, i realised i was quite late. Mr Chan was blowing a whistle like a freako... attempting to gather all of us. After a while, we were seating at our respective classes. We went upstairs to find our seats.. Mr Kou kept talking about entry proof... mugger guy.. still dont like him... ever...

The exam was quite okay, but i was quite disappointed that the chapter on diplomacy and deterrence did not come out. It was lucky that i studied Switzerland. Yay! But the setback was that i did not finish the sourced based question! The last part (d) was NOT completed! i did not cross reference.. and the later stuff like purpose and things like that. HOw? How? :( I feel a bit sad. I wrote too much on part (b) lah :( It wasted so much time.... haix... nvm hope the essay will pull me up... and the other questions.

Hmm... went home with sean, and daus. Daus was fasting so he cannot eat. Haix.. sean was very hungry... so he wanted to go opposite to eat. In the end, sean and i went to jurong entertainment to eat long john silver's Wowie... i realised that we have been eating this place's food quite a few times! Haha... but sean said it was value for money... so hmmm ok loz... because i intented to eat something new like KFC... its ok, it alright. Anyway sean and i had a long chat about people's blog and things like that... hmmmm

I am online and james was like very political.. He kept going offline and online to discuss about the US elections like BUSH/KERRY WILL WIN and things like that... aye.. so lame

Now still talking to ben about malaysia attractions to prepare for eL paper 1... got to prepare paper 2 and also physics... It's so tiring... haix... gotta log off.. bye!

Monday, November 01, 2004


ahha... finally... i think i throw away the opendiary blog.... because i think this 1 is better and more pepular! yay! new blog on e move :)