Thursday, January 20, 2005

...yesterday and today...

hmmmmm...... yesterday was kinda great loz. I had my break and mum and i went to the toh yi community club to collect my money-- $250.. lol. We then went to one of the food outlets and had fish head steamboat for lunch. it was quite great and i enjoyed it. I met Jeannie on the way to the community club loz. She must have got a place at millenia institute and now having the 3 month course. Haha. I could have signed up for that... hehe

Then at night, i went to my restaurant's annual function. It was kinda weird as i am sitting at a table instead of standing there serving the customers loz... haha. The food was sumptous with good food like albalone, salmon, chunky shark's fin and things like that. There was also karaoke session so some of us sang songs and things like that. All of us were given a gift. The part timers were given a ferroe roche loz. But i was given an ang pow of $20 NTUC voucher. The old timers who were in the restaurant for a long time had quite good prizes of hampers with good stuff instead like tea, bird nest, albalone and things like that, not forgetting vouchers from courts or NTUC. At first, i was given the felerroe loz.. but the management people made a mistake.. lol. I was given the ang pow! wah kakakaka....

Well, for today, morning i worked as per normal and i talked to the newbie girl. I found out she is from CCK sec and she is sec 5, taking o levels also. She is waiting for results, like me too. Well, she told me that her school allows them to take pure literature for O's which is simply shocking. My school principal mrs kong ever talked to us the reasons of the combinations she created. She said she will not open a Lit class as the results will not be so good and there will be few distinctions. Prestigious schools like raffles girls' have already proven this result loz... so i do not see y CCK sec approves that.... hmmmm

For tonight, i incharge of sending the dishes to the restpective tables from the kitchen. The job is simply great and it is better than serving the customers directly..

Well, i talked to Daus and found out that he found a job that pays 6.66 per hour and OT on week ends I am really envious of him! He is earning more than me now...

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