Sunday, November 08, 2009
i feel lonely. i wish i found someone to confide with all my problems. my family problems, my army problems.
i am getting used to work in medical centre. but my skills as a medic is failing. i feel so stressed to do duties.
i have tried my best to drill the ideas into these people's minds. the need to keep the practices running.
my m'am don't want to let me go for the surgery. postponed to jan 10.
i have not been contacting my fren chuan. Tried smsing/calling - not answering.
i realised i have not been cherishing my friends around me. and i have not been contacting them. is it my fault? Haix.
My colleagues do not share the same vision and working style as me. is it my fault? i think i might have made them angry because i am too "on" and a super workerholic. I might have unknowingly made them unhappy because i 'opened' some closed wounds or problems. problems which were here long time ago were opened up and debated.
i agree that i might have made many medics unhappy with me or hate me. Is it too late to say sorry now? why i am facing so much problems is due to my character. but is honesty the best policy? Is telling my superior the trueful situation better than masking her by saying everything is fine?
in my workplace, i realised i keep dealing with ethics and principles when handling problems. should i not tell and tell my boss everything is fine? and motivate my men to solve the problems on my own? or should my boss also know about the problem and reprimand the men?
Solution 1 - tell her everything is fine but internally work out problem -
pros - men will not get a hefty scolding from her. work will be done.
cons - does not work with men who disagree with the procedure and thinks another procedure should be done. men may not work on the issue and problems pile.
Solution 2 - tell her what is going on.
pros - work will definitely get done. There will be bitterness though
cons - men will be unhappy with me. say i bautoh. say i spy. relationship sours.
there has been a lot of stories about me being the smpa, being her spy.
i am not her spy. and i do not report everything i see. i am also a nsf. i am not a regular. i am still getting the miserable pay. my seargeants - get fat pay. sometimes, i feel so envious.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday duty killers
Firstly, my family.
I did not know what exactly happened. but my dad suffered from a stroke, resulting in excessive brain fluids accumulated in his brain. Was hospitalised for 20 days. now at St Luke hospital.
It is very painful when your family is in hospital and you struggling with school and NS. I did 2 Friday-Sat duties. It is super tiring :(
fri duty finsh rush home. get ready for sch :(
Monday, July 27, 2009
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
有三个好朋友,他们叫gaduh,gila,otak,一天gaduh失踪了,gila 和 otak 去警察局报警。。gila:"polis,saya nak cari gaduh ! "警察听了便问:"awak gila ke?"gila:"ya,saya gila"警察听了气疯了:"mana otak awak?"gila:"otak? 噢,otak diluar tunggu saya.."
老鼠问:“猫是否会爬树?”老鹰抢着回答:“会!”老鼠问:“你怎么知道?”老鹰含泪说:“当年的一个晚上,雷电交加,我睡着了, 突然猫爬上了树把我。。。。。强奸, 后来就有了猫头鹰!”
第一次做鸭!感觉不错人家说像我这长相的男人不应该做鸭子的。我长的不是很帅,身高也没什么优势,脸上没什么沧桑感,没有成熟男人的气质,更不是让女人一看到就有安全感的男人。不过我想,既然女人可以做鸡,男人为什么不可以做鸭子呢?!并不是没钱我才去做鸭子的,我只是想体验一下不一样的生活,为自己的人生增加一点新的色彩。所以今照下班以后,我去了那个地方。经过老板的热情介绍,我终于找到了合适的对象。她一个人静悄悄的在角落里,皮肤很白,估计是南方来的。头颈细细的,大腿条子很清爽的,看上去蛮丰满,也满有弹性的。我觉得比较满意,毕竟自己第一次做鸭子,总归要行好一点的,不能太随随便便了。她正好是我觉得还可以的一种类型。我很快就和老板谈好价钱,直接把她带回了家里。她看上去一点也没不好意思,我想她应该不是第一次了。她剥光了的身体比我想象当中更加健美,饱满额胸脯,屁股翘翘的。我本能的吞了一口口水。我是第一次面对这种情况,真的不知道应该怎么做。我先轻轻的把她翻过来,让她身体平躺,一只手捏她的胸部,一只手摸她的肚皮,她好像没什么反应,看上去蛮冷淡的。我只好东摸西摸,心里老急的,过了老半天,还是不知道怎么做好。然后我把她的两只脚分开,用手指头伸到她下面的洞里,里厢空荡荡的,有点干,不是想象当中湿答答的,手指头伸进去有点送,也没摸到什么东西。看来她的下面肯定被人家掏过了。她肚子里面被掏的清清爽爽, 内脏、肠子一类的东西全部被掏掉了。因为我是第一次做鸭子,没什么经验,实在没什么办法了,只好拿出了食谱。按照上面的方法,把她整只放进了锅子里,放了点调料,倒了点开水。半个钟头以后,熟了,哈香~没想到我第一次做鸭子就那么好吃!吃了以后,我就高高兴兴的来上网,写了个篇做鸭子的经历,和大家一起分享^_^
家庭防盜 利害的老婆
上周一,公司派我去某市出差。剛住進賓館,我就接到了老婆的電話:“老公,大事不好。 今天咱們小區混進了幾個賊,咱家也被光顧了。” 我跳了起來,問:“丟東西了嗎?有沒有報警?” “家裏被翻得亂七八糟,衣櫥裏的1000塊錢沒了。還丟了什麼東西我正在清理,警察下午來看過了。”老婆聽出了我的焦急,趕緊安慰我:“好在那幾個賊已經被警察抓住了,現在讓各家儘快報失竊清單去。” 我鬆了一口氣,趕快命令老婆:“快去看看床頭掛的那張結婚照。畫框後面有一個用雙面膠粘住的紅包。”老婆擱下電話。 兩分鐘後,問:“我把畫框取下來看了,什麼也沒有。”如此神仙難料的地方都能找到,看來今天遇到的絕不是普通的蟊賊。我趕緊叫老婆再去衛生間看看:“馬桶水箱靠牆那面有個縫,塞了一個塑膠袋,你看看還有沒有。” 十分鐘後,老婆打來電話:“沒有,是不是你記錯了地方?” 我焦急地說:“不可能。出差前我還檢查過。整整4000塊錢,全是連號的百元新鈔。那是去年我從公司發給我發的技改獎裏扣下來的。” “就這些了嗎,還有沒有忘記的?”老婆在電話裏追問。 “沒有了,只有這6000塊錢。你一定要把那些錢的特徵跟警察講清楚。”我提醒老婆。 老婆冷笑道~~~~~~~~~ “好的。感謝你在本次家庭防盜演習中的出色表現。”我聽完差點兒暈過去。
Saturday, May 30, 2009
About Me
Your Life :
You always follow the good and the right instead of listening to your heart. (yes, I am a super principled person - very neutral, and do not like to take sides)
Another word, you are a perfectionist. (YES. When I do things, I want it as perfect as possible. But I sometimes cannot achieve it :( )
You care for every word people say about you. (YES! I am a very sensitive person, and anything bad you say about me, I can pretend not to care. But deep in my heart - I feel sad :( )
You often seen isolated while you are, by nature, curious and a dreamer who is ready to get over the edge to make your dream comes true. (YES! I am often seen ISOLATED and alone. It is not that I don't get along with people, but I take time to be comfortable talking to someone)
Your Love :
You often fall in love with a person who is much different from you, in age and other aspects. (erms maybe? So far only had one crush and was rejected :( )
Your relationship grows on friendship. Love at fist sight is not your style. (ya lor. so far nv met anyone special or like.)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Hidden messages in my name - My character
Hmmm.... maybe?
A : You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
N : You like to work, but you always want a break.
Totally agree!
Y : You cause a lot of trouble.
yes! lots and lots... i hope i dont implicate other people though
I : You are always smiling and making others smile.
actually i dont smile tt much though =.=
D : You have trouble trusting people.
erm... esp some... but i generally trust people... sometimes i think i am too trusting.
A : You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
Friday, March 20, 2009
1. When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it? (hmm….)
2. If the “black box” flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn’t the whole airplane made out of that stuff? (quite true)
3. Who copyrighted the copyright symbol? (anyone knows?)
4. Can you cry under water? (let me try)
5. Why do people say, “you’ve been working like a dog” when dogs just sit/sleeps around all day? (maybe it was meant for something else?)
6. Why are the numbers on a calculator and a phone reversed? (God knows)
7. Do fish ever get thirsty? (Don’t think so, there’s so much water for them to drink)
8. Can you get cornered in a round room? (let me find one)
9. Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep? (No birds here so I can’t ask them)
10. If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables,then what is baby oil made from? (No comments)
11. What should one call a male ladybird? (guybird?)
12. If a person suffered from amnesia and then was cured would they remember that they forgot? (What’s the question again?)
13. Can you blow a balloon up under water? (yes u can)
14. Why is it called a “building” when it is already built? (strange isn’t it)
15. If you were traveling at the speed of sound and you turned on your radio would you be able to hear it? (got to think scientifically)
16. If you’re traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens? (um…)
17. Why is it called a TV set when there’s only one? (Don’t understand)
18. Why do most cars have speedometers that go up to at least 130 when you legally can’t go that fast on any road? (People tend to break the law)
19. If drink drive is not allowed why the hell they have parking near Bars?
“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Jurong Camp Medical Centre is where i was posted to and now is my OJT period before I become a full fledged medic. Lots of things to learn though. Triage until i got a bit sick of it.
Now learning dispensary. LOLS
Monday, February 23, 2009
happy bdae mummy!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Although I celebrated my birthday in camp on a lazy Monday, I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday by just a simple delivery service ordered from 933 Golden Pillow and Canadian 241 Pizza. The people do make a difference. I think my bunkmates were one of the most fun lot to be with and you will not get boredwith them.
Although they were doing BO, I went down to watch TV and eat with them.
thank you everyone. thank you who bothered to send me this little message on facebook/friendster/sms.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Basic Medic Course (BMC)
Combat phase just started and it was freakingly tiring. Seriously, carrying someone is very tiring. We learnt stretcher drills. Stretcher drills were more digestible. Transporting casualty without stretcher is quite unbearable. Strength is needed to get it done. Cooperation is also greatly needed to get things done smoothly. Fireman lift. Piggy-back.... aww.... so tiring! the 2-3-4 hand lifts where very straining to the hand. hahahas.
However, it was also fun. We were laughing like crazy when doing the drills. and these stuff made us bond together.
Next week. 2 more iv sessions. BCS. and some theory lectures... please... everything goes smoothly.
let me pop smoothly on 6 March 09 ok :)
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Happy New Year 2009!
Well, I hope this year I can lose more weight.... and achieve being a combat medic. The course is not going to be easy for me... with my extreme blur personality.... and constantly doing things wrongly =X.
Watched Bedtime Stories and Yes Man recently at GV Plaza Sing. Nice!! Bedtime story is hilaries yet touching at the same time... and finally the un-noticed gets the chance to show his worth. I feel i am just like the un-noticed... who always sit around and look people perform. But i think thats my character ba.
Yes man was funny. The guy who said NO and finally said yes to everything gained new opportunities after going to a YES seminar. He found a new girlfriend. Before that, he was dumped and rotted at home watching TV, videos, movies. Things went wrong when he said yes to everything... including letting an old auntie help him jack off... found a new bride online... and his best friend told him that he must regulate the things he said yes.
It felt quite weird because I went to the same cinema to watch 2 different movies. But the adverts were about the same though. LOL Including alamak's advert about the upcoming movie and how he burned his face using the iron because he thought it was the phone he took. And the Fann Wong and Li Ming Shun wedding movie.
Hmms that all ba. Met up with weitai. Still the same la. Chuan, ben, chee wee all ok. Kbox was great lors..