Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

This is my first 2009 post :)

Well, I hope this year I can lose more weight.... and achieve being a combat medic. The course is not going to be easy for me... with my extreme blur personality.... and constantly doing things wrongly =X.

Watched Bedtime Stories and Yes Man recently at GV Plaza Sing. Nice!! Bedtime story is hilaries yet touching at the same time... and finally the un-noticed gets the chance to show his worth. I feel i am just like the un-noticed... who always sit around and look people perform. But i think thats my character ba.

Yes man was funny. The guy who said NO and finally said yes to everything gained new opportunities after going to a YES seminar. He found a new girlfriend. Before that, he was dumped and rotted at home watching TV, videos, movies. Things went wrong when he said yes to everything... including letting an old auntie help him jack off... found a new bride online... and his best friend told him that he must regulate the things he said yes.

It felt quite weird because I went to the same cinema to watch 2 different movies. But the adverts were about the same though. LOL Including alamak's advert about the upcoming movie and how he burned his face using the iron because he thought it was the phone he took. And the Fann Wong and Li Ming Shun wedding movie.

Hmms that all ba. Met up with weitai. Still the same la. Chuan, ben, chee wee all ok. Kbox was great lors..

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