Saturday, June 24, 2006
connection type
There's no doubt about it: You like to be in the know, and you spend a lot of time checking in with friends and family to find out what they're up to. You're a networker in the most natural sense and probably are better at keeping other people in touch than they are. What is it about you? Your easy-going style, your sincere desire to hook up the people you like in your life? You're just someone who doesn't take relationships for granted. You're probably still in touch with the kids you met at camp years ago — and you plan on keeping the friends you have now forever.You love hooking your friends up with one another, and your friends might tease you about your obsession with matchmaking — but they know when they need a place to crash in Chicago, or a lead on a cool new job for the summer, that you're the person who can really connect them with a place to stay, some free concert tix, a new friend, a new job...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
np bp mentoring
Afternoon: I woke up at 1pm then i was like OMG cause i was supposed to have some library meeting at 1pm. Then the lady called me and i managed to push to 2pm? :) Then i quickly rushed to school. I was carring lots of barang barang as i brought the HRM stuff to my club house as its so troublesome to bring it from home. Then i rushed to the meeting lo. I was late - hahas but she was still very friendly and all. Lucky - phew! hahas:)
So i will be going to kinokuniya initially to buy books for the school! :) But it was changed to popular bras basah as i think that guy cannot make it or something like that bahx.
So cool - choosing books for the school library! Just imagine - the new arrivals are actually the ones i chose! :)
Then i was busy with the new rotaract project i was doing for 1st july 2006. This Rotary foundation very weird one. They always tell me things that are rather last minute and I will be forced to rush out a proposal for Mrs Choo. hahas. Then i had to rush to SDAR to see her. haix.
Night: The NP BP Mentoring had this "Interactive Session." I was wondering what was it all about lo. Basically, its a meeting but it has more than what our eyes meet. We had a short meeting or what is NP BP Mentoring all about and was introduced to the events they have done.
Guess what? They held it at LT76 and i was shocked that it was the same place again. Rotaract's installation! hahas. Then i realised it was quite a fun night. We played lots of games and i think the challenge to step on the newspaper with the limited number of people was great! So as the friendship dance. Aww... reminded me of the bA camp days. In general, I think it was a great night. :) and realised yan yun and yang fang also joined np bp mentoring :) hahas. Got to know some new friends - so i think its a nice thing.
Personally, i think it will be nice if rotaract can have one. If Rotaract can have one that is that successful as np bp mentoring, i will be jumping sky high! Well I really hope enqing and jansen could come out something like this... :)
:) talked to adam kok mun abt sentosa and saw meng online!! hahas. chatted a bit :)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
The unhappy things happened on Tues and i was really very unhappy and sad that night :(. Stupid people and more rotten respondents...
Well, on tues, in the morning, I was dismayed by 2 smses from derrick and gabe. Well, i got some predictions that gabe may not be well enough for the blaw project. He was not feeling well during the fmgt project lo. but what made me upset is derrick. how many projects he missed liao? How many discussions he miss liao? And we still put his name. I think i must talk to mrs gopalan liao. Then also disappointed la. Suddenly xian xu call me and say hrm cancelled le. STUPID. then really very =.=|||| then i was like upset why these people are not taking the projects seriously. My hope was to finish 90% of the projects by the end of the hols. the end? 50%. What the hell. i wanted to do ecd, but no one seems to want to do it. I had to rush blaw coz the deadline so near! :( Then now i would just wait for 2-3 days before the deadline then do.
Then Eugene happily said he wanted to have the project at 11am. The result? he reached nearly 1pm and he was even later than iwan. omg. So very what the hell! I said 1pm initially what. I mean people like me, iwan,gabe -- do you think they are early birds? Max - i think he would be on time usually.
So the day also ended rather unhappily? Stupid respondent. I was doing some validation and there was some hooos and haaas over a small matter. I wanted to talk to mrs kumar but this guy dunone who is he did not want to tell me if mrs kumar was in or not. If he told me he's busy, she's sleeping etc, i would have just put down the phone. he was like asking where was i calling from and what's my name etc. AND he was damn RUDE. pure RUDE. stupid stupiid. I was trying to be very nice and all and he asked me for my name and insulted me. he said my voice sounded like a girl and i should me called ms tan :( i already emphasised i am MR tan and yet he still insisted i am ms tan. F***k!!! :( Really ar. i was damn pissed. I know. My voice does sound like a girl on the phone. But i have clarified. Why can't you accept it? Sick person. Then he was asking for the office number and all. and ask for MY extension. He was like very wary of my identity and said things like what if he called the managers and they say no such person? :( Wow. I was so =.=||||| and he was really making me angrier. Jeffrey came to my rescue and i was still so angry!
Even that day, when i went home, I was still so angry and sad! I mean its like i only called him at 9.45pm. You call it late? It may be rather late but not everyone sleeps so early like you! Furthermore, why didn't you try to like tell me mrs kumar - where the hell is she? Ask you and ask you - don't want come straight to the point. If she's sleeeping, tell me! The conversation would have ended. I was so damn upset that night. Jeffrey was like questioning me lots of things and because of this puny phone call. operations stop at 930. STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really very pissed. haix.
Monday, June 19, 2006
some erms. erms. hahs
then ba comms like warming up lo. got this BAsh it out thingy. looks like i will be real busy again... hahas. got to noe this girl frm ba comm lor. called frances. haha. talk to her online and juz chat and chat and chat. hahas.
haiyo. then sat went to help out at FamFlicks 2006. Saw mr thaman, ms amy kor and ms foo. hahas. then i think it was quite erm messy? dunnoe eh. the important folks came so late, making us wait for like 1/2 hr for them? :(
then 2dae went to help cafe heart @ science centre. ahahas. from 12-2.30pm. i was reviving the old cafe cartel times. too bad i am not being paid today! hahaas. :)
servd food, customer service. washed plates. hahas.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Yi Da, you're Calm, Cool, and Collected

Do your friends like to lean on your shoulder? Ask you for advice in life and love? Put you on speed-dial for emergencies? We bet they do. You're as balanced as they come. When it comes to making decisions, you're not afraid to take the time to weigh your options carefully in order to make the right choice. And it takes more than a few obstacles to rattle your cool head.
The good news is that you've also got lots of heart, and you make sure that people know that you always have their backs. There's almost nothing more important to you than the people in your life, so being a support to them is the coolest thing around. Just like you.
a lot and a lot of things
Okay, I will just beginning with latest happening on Rotaract Club. We just had our installation and induction ceremony and i think it was quite ok. Except some things could have been improved. Hmms. With so many members in our club. I think about 40% of them know what's an installation le. That is a good sign, i personally feel.
A lot of last minute things :(. Stupid malay cultural club. Play out 2 days before the real day. We had to ask choir to sing outside the LT lo. Poor thing. haha. After the installation, I think we still actually had time to let them sing inside. Then a lot of last min thingys. The SCC got not enough people to carry their instruments. So diaoz. Then me, weishing and wilson went to help. Wilson very attitude de lo. Ask him take weishing's car - don't want. Then because of SCC late we had Guest of honour's speech before the performance.
Well, i think wilson helps a lot. I am really very thankful to wilson for his help in the logistics. He pays money for the food and never eat. Last year, he also like this. Carrying the directional signs/poles was a real pain. OMG. really hated it. Why others directional signs so light? Ours so heavy? Stupid EM lo. Haix.
But overall I think it was quite well done. I am very happy that a lot of members came. I am glad that my naggings were not wasted. Haha. All the phone calls, sms, etc.
Some things missed out was the toasting- missed out. I think i should have reinforced it. I got all the water bottles in the club house lo. haix. Another was the presentation of past events. Qian jun should have did a short talk of the past events as this is madatory. One member told me: they show pictures they also don't know what are all these and all.
food was not very nice also :( Should have bought better food. Haha. But we had a very tight budget and spent as little as possible.
the next thingy was common test. I think common test - i don't think i will do well. I very scared I will fail. Die le la. :( the badly done common tests are HRM and FMGT. The slightly better done are also not exactly great either. I think i nv study enough and there is simply too little time to study and absorb. My absorption rate is very low! :( I always need a lot time to memorise and understand these stuff. i feel so upset. I very scared if I have to retake any test because i fail! And i hate to see Ds and Cs :( How? I feel so horrible.
The next thingy is I left sentosa le. Well any feelings? I felt quite okay somehow. I feel it is rather natural? I felt a bit sad ah. But I will miss merlion more that musical fountain. Perhaps the staff I liked them much more? michael may appear cold, but he's very nice. Same goes with all the others. I like saras, alvin -- my ics. They are simply great people. They also still call me to work lo. Although I not working MF le but I still loved merlion. merlion ooi!!!! hahas.
The people i miss sentosa would be the poor meng - shahira lo. I think I am not very close to any of the staff of MF except daus and shahira. Then rest? Ordinary friend like justin, edison, aishah also ok ar. But the new batch - i don't think i really mix around or talk with them much. Or is it they don't really want to talk with me? Or is it i got attitude problem? Hmmm. 11months at sentosa. i think i had enough of it somehow. Now my weekends don't feel so tight. But i think i will lose contact with poor daus. Daus and I like never talked for a long time already? haix.
Even I stayed on, would i be treasured at MF? I don't know ah. Working at MF used to be the most 'in' thing (quoted from shahira) and now it became so mundane. Daus also la. Work so little. One month - he works like 4 times only? Then some months he work 1-2 times? zzz. When i worked at MF, i always feel so lonely. Nungky is forever so cool to me and rosnah would be like talking to nungky in malay leaving me out. boring positions and i would be just concentrate on greeting the guests. Haix.
I am quite a loner sometimes but sometimes i like to talk to a good friend/friend about anything. Being lonely all the time is all not the great. Then no one takes the bus - 188 even some could. I really don't understand why. Like rizal. He can take 188 1 la. :(
Working at media research consultants have been fun. Although always using the phone may not be so fun afterall, but i still like to be someone annoymous on the phone calling people to check on stuff. Very fun. I sometimes meet ppl with grandmother stories but some are rather enriching lol.
Recently, I went for a focus group. Its on doughnuts! haha. Nice doughnuts. Managed to earn $50 after this focus group. And free sampling also. hahas.
Another thingy was my project- AWWA Open House was quite successful :) We went on tues to put flyers door to door and sat was the open house itself.
Well, on the first day - the day whereby we put flyers door to door, i am quite disappointed with the world of click system. Well the people refused to try to mix around as they were too comfortable with their own group. like my class de 5 flowers. They just stick themselves and refused to mix around. The clan tmod- is another 1. The suriani,yunpei,eunice and yanhan clad also. Leaving me - I was all alone going to somewhere ulu to give out flyers. I really felt very 'pai chi' lo. Why no one is willing to pair up with me to do such a thingy at night? :( I tried to act cool when i realised the result that i am forced to do the flyer distribution house to house alone at night. When i stand close to these clicks i find i have nothing to say to them or is it they don't accept me either? This is very frustrating sometimes. My good friends are outside my course and outside np. Like i joined np rotaract. I was a loner also. Should i have found a good friend before i entered rotaract? This is very puzzling. When i join things alone, I don't like it in the end but i still lived on. Liked I joined The Cafe Cartel. Sentosa also. some places like T-est i managed to find friends. some I could not really find one that can really click.
The click system haunts me in NP also. Our class is simply segmented into clicks and its so difficult to get things done, especially projects. Why can't everyone be more open like the past. When i was in sec sch. I remember the people of the past are much more open and doing projects was not so problematic. I still have to live in np clickless till year 3. I feel so disappointed! how i wish i can transfer to a class that i hab more people who are more open to accept. haix!
The second day was okay. I generally feel its quite good! :) I am glad that royston is a very open person and we chatted a lot of things. but i think i and jansen slacked quite a lot tt day. LOL.
well, last discussion on KBOX. had so much fun singing! haha. Long time nv sing le bahx? Then it was so enriching. haha. Sang like crazy i think. Jansen Enqing sang like so high. Then charmaine sing all the junjie de songs. Her voice quite special lo i think. hahas. 12mn to 6am. I think this is my first time k-ing through the night. ahhaa. Then when go home in the mrt keep sleeping lo. until reach jurong east then i realised! hahahha. Then in the bus i overshot my stop! omg. Then luckly its a feeder bus, so i continued to sleep till it went back to my house area. hahahaha.
Then kit was laughing all the way. Royston and zhang dong liang. soon chye and his old songs. alvin and his jay rapping. jansen and his english song, ben xiao hai. hahaha.
sorry for this long entry. too many things happened le. :)
Sunday, June 11, 2006

You're an exciting and excitable type who truly believes that variety is the spice of life. Routine is not your cup of tea. You savour adventure and relish the impromptu.
Nothing thrills you more than a buffet of choices, be they recreational, professional or gastronomical. You love to wander down an avenue of street fare and sample whatever entices you. If dessert comes before appetizers, no problem!
Would you try choc-coated witchety grubs? In a heartbeat!
The opposite sex often finds your devil-may-care approach truly delicious. You'll try anything once, whether it's the fieriest salsa or salsa dancing. At the smorgasbord of life, you tend to gravitate towards the heady delights of the unknown.