Saturday, November 13, 2004 stuffed toy family....

Ok, suddenly, I realized that have a lot of stuffed toy at home. Of course, it is not like thousands or hundreds lah. It is just 14 only. Ha-ha. I realized that all of us have our roots and origins. It is like my stuffed toys too. Today, I shall unleash the best creature award and hence will be the leader of the soft toys J

Let me briefly describe how my soft toys landed at my bedroom….

1. Furry Bear [ from tom and Stephanie at tiong baru plaza. I still could remember the cashier thinking that I wanted to buy it for my girlfriend. Haha. Perhaps should have given it to ying xian loz (just joking) ]

2. Baby Fur [ from tom and Stephanie west mall. This one is a smaller version of furry bear and it looks damn cute]

3. Christmas fur [ he he, bought it during Christmas. Shop n save was having a promotion of buying $20 and above.. Then can buy it at a special price. I bought it loz. It is sooo big that it is very nice to cuddle. Its legs have some kind of beanbag in it, so it feels heavy ]

4. Christmas bear [ this one was bought at Watson’s at clementi. I still could remember asking the personnel to wrap it up for the fun and laughter… This one wears a Christmas scarf and cap. It looks like some kind of display bear on the shelves loz. ]

5. Simba the lion [ ok this one is the reason why my username of a neopets account is simbascute. At some point in time, I loved this creature a lot. Haha That time not so many toys mahx. This one I think it was given by my aunt…]

6. Baby bear [ this bear looks really worn out! It somewhat like comforted me when I was in sec 2 loz, very cute creature too. It was a birthday present given by my friend – Kiat Tat. Wah… like very long ago loz ]

7. Snoopy the dog [ another gift by kiat tat or my aunt. Cannot remember? ]

8. Bunny Na [ I was really appalled when I found out that The 9 year old girl Wang na went missing liked this particular toy! I named her bunny Na as in memory of her… I got it from NTUC. There was a sort of like promotion loz, like half price or something like that. Its hands, one of them could play the song lullaby… the song like makes one sleep ]

9. Hippo-Trumpet [ This one seems to be given by my aunt… it has a tiny trumpet affixed to its mouth]

10. Little bear (red) [ given by my auntie ]

11. Little bear (brown) [ given by my auntie ]

12. Smiley Dragon [ this one is the symbol of giant loz, the smiley dragon. It was given when we shopped a lot ]

13. Tiny mermaid [ oh dear, I have no idea how it appeared in my room! ]

14. Hang-ten bear [ ah ha, this bear was bought when we purchased a lot loz at hang ten . It was Chinese new year festive period ]

I am happy to announce that……………………………………………………………

FURRY BEAR is the winner! He is the most intelligent and sensible creature and is my favorite toy!!! He is going to the one that lead the stuffed toy family to greater heights! I feel so happy for him :D garbette

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