Sunday, November 07, 2004


Do you have a dream?

I also not sure either. There was one day i listened to radio very late at night. It was like i was just scannig around and i happened to chance upon a radio station from malaysia. It was like quite interesting as the Dj was talking about the subject dreams. It was like 2am ++ so i was really sleepy. The Dj was like very enthusiastic, telling about dreams that one will have . She said that when we were very small kids, like p1, p2, we would want to be a teacher. We feel as a teacher, we would be able to teach the masses and be well respected........

When we grow older, about p 5 p6, we would prefer to become a lawyer or engineer loz. This would be the phenomenon loz as lawyers are known to earn lots of money and are well respected. We of course, would want to be like them

When we reach our teenage years, we would want to be a movie star or actor or actress. We enjoy the attention that is given to them and you know, they keep taking pictures of you. You feel proud. You feel popular.

So what do you think? What are your dreams then? Haha. I think this kind of thinking is quite logical loz... Very interesting! :)

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